G. John Cole https://www.poundstopocket.co.uk 4m 956
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9 Ways Of Boosting Productivity With Rituals
Jane Austen rose early to clear her head while making breakfast for the whole family – and then retired from household tasks for the day to concentrate on her writing. Hemingway wrote everything out by hand first, and typed it all up later.
Whether you’re a writer, you’re in business, or whatever your profession, rituals like these may seem counter-intuitive – they’re far from the quickest way to get things done. Developing practices that get you in the right headspace, however, can get you more engaged with your work and result in greater quality and quantity of output.
Writing things by hand, for example, forces you to process the information that you’re dealing with in different ways. Even keeping a brief daily journal can keep your brain tuned up and your productivity flowing.
Once you’re rich and famous and running the whole show, you’ll be free to develop all sorts of eccentric rituals and they’ll surely be accepted by your adoring fans or employees. But you’ll never quit those daily routines that got you in the right mind and body space to get to the top in the first place. You’ll find a few ideas for rituals that’ll serve you well the whole way through right here in this new infographic Pounds To Pocket.
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9 daily rituals to boost performance at work
From athletes to entrepreneurs, many successful people have one thing in common call in a superstitious ritual. It might seem silly, but research suggests it’s not on their head.
Why rituals work
Whether it’s public speaking or a big deadline, performing a ritual before hand has been shown to reduce anxiety.
- A Harvard study revealed that pre-performance rituals can help us take on challenging tasks at work
- 83% of workers believe their well-being influences how productive they are, according to a survey by PwC
- research from the National Institute of Mental Health shows that feeling anxious worsens job performance
How to harness the power of rituals to improve your work
Here are some of the most effective rituals to help you achieve Peak Performance.
1. Give yourself a short blast of cold water
Chilly water increases blood circulation and releases endorphins, boosting your mood and making you more productive.
Try it before: a day with lots of meetings
2. Delay checking emails until you tackle a pending task
Waiting until you’ve picked something significant off your to-do list will help you avoid distractions and short-term problems first thing in the morning.
Try it before: Returning to work after a long weekend or holiday
3. Turn your devices on airplane mode for a few hours
Studies show that people who block distractions can focus for significantly longer and are more productive.
Try it before: a big deadline
4. Count your breaths
Researchers found a clear relationship between workplace mindfulness and job performance. The quick mindfulness exercise relieves stress and can be done at your Workstation.
- Close your eyes, relax, and sit upright
- focus on your breathing: inhale exhale; inhale, exhale
- count silently to 10 over and over for up to 10 minutes
Try it before: dealing with a dissatisfied client
5. Keep a Daily Journal
Writing in your Journal allows you to process your experiences and activates the left side of your brain, improving your memory and comprehension of concepts.
- write in detail about one positive experience you’ve had during the past 24 hours
- bullet point each detail you can remember
Try it before: memorizing a presentation
6. Take a five-minute break after 25 minutes of work
Frequent breaks keep your mind fresh and focused. This forces you tied here to strict time and income spur you on to wrap up your current tasks.
Try it before: tackling your to-do list
7. Use a few minutes of your lunch break to meditate
A study published by the JAMA Network showed that meditation helps ease psychological stress, While University of Washington research found that it also makes you a better multitasker.
- Place your hands on your lap
- starting with your pinky fingers, tap one finger on each hand at a time
- synchronize your left and right hands and moved through each finger
- recite one word and a 5 word mantras for every tap. Try “release, peace, tranquility, love, joy.”
Try it before: multitasking
8. Do a 5 minute workout
Exercise gives you more physical and mental energy throughout the day by stimulating the development of a new mitochondria within your cells. This allows your body to produce more ATP-its energy carrier-over time.
- alternate 20 seconds high knees with 10 seconds rest for 3 sets
- do 15 reps each of squats and push-ups. rest 30 seconds and repeat
- finished the workout with 15 jumping jacks
Try it before: pitching an idea to your boss
9. Come back to your body
Simple body movements like grounding your feet help center you.Practice the short ritual everyday and you’ll find yourself responding more calmly and stressful situations.
- Breathe deeply
- feel the ground beneath your feet
- flex your fingers and toes
- close and open your eyes a few times
Try it before: delivering some challenging news to colleague
As you can see, there are many ways to harness the power of the ritual to boost your performance at work. Which one will you try?
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About the Author
G. John Cole
John writes on behalf of NeoMam Studios. A digital nomad specialising in leadership, digital media, and personal growth topics, his passions include world cinema and biscuits. A native Englishman, he is always on the move, but can most commonly be spotted in the UK, Norway, and the Balkans.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gjohncole
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