Morgan Johnes 2m 574
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
What is like to be successful in general? How is success measured? And are they any exceptions to the rule of who is successful and who is not? Do you consider yourself a success among your peers? Or are you feeling alone, exasperated and ready to call it quits? Honestly though, how many of us can say with an honest heart, that they are comfortable with the direction their careers are heading. If you want to be successful, you must set your own standard of the word. For some people to be successful means that they have a steady, good paying job; even if it is not going anywhere per se. This of course doesn’t mean that you will feel successful given these circumstances. Maybe you want to make something better for yourself, accomplish something, be somebody. But still, this is easier said than done. In fact, can you imagine if all the workers on this planet started having visions of greatness and social prosperity? Society itself will fall apart.
Sum up your accomplishments so far
Try to remember all the things you have done for your company and all the things your company has done for you, and you can figure out for yourself if you have moved up career-wise or are you in the exact same place you have always been. It is not easy thinking about it; most people might even get depressed. But establishing your role in the company might help you see thing from a new perspective. If you don’t feel satisfied of your current predicament, then it is maybe a time for a change.
Set your goals
Now that you know exactly where you stand, it is time to declare your intentions to the world. Are you going to become a more hard-working/motivated employee; are you going to suck up to the boss and try to get a raise that way; or are you thinking of a third, even more devious alternative. Before you do anything however, you need to set a goal. Do you want a promotion? More money? Recognition? A better office?
Before you know exactly what you want, how can you succeed in anything? Your goals must be realistic, plausible and not very time-consuming. Don’t opt to work over the weekend, and don’t offer do someone else’ work. You won’t get anywhere that way, and you would had only wasted your time trying.
Proper Mentality
I know that working the same old mundane job can be quite exasperating. Finding long lasting motivation can be difficult; especially for people who are not very found of their work. Maybe trying to find something new in your life that is worth fighting for, might help you finding that same spark you had when you first started your career. If you cannot do that, why not try finding a new venue in which to express your talents. A career is an occupation, not an employer. If the company you are working for does not see your importance (or fails to acknowledge it), maybe it is time to switch companies.
Motivate yourself by reminding yourself the reason you are perusing a career in the first place and the goals you have been striving for when you started. Everything else will come naturally.
About the Author
Morgan Johnes works as an HR at and has a lot of experience to share with her readers.