In a hurry? Just skimming? Save time by reading Quick Glimpse!
August 17, 2013 — Confessions of the Professions is happy to introduce Quick Glimpse, a new feature that summarizes confessions, articles, infographics, and more. As seen on CNN which offers STORY HIGHLIGHTS, a feature that breaks the article into usually no more than five bullet points, Quick Glimpse allows speed readers, lazy readers, and glancers to get a quick glimpse at the the article or confession is about. The reader can then use this as the basis for their understanding of the article, or continue to read the entire article.
Quick Glimpse offers 3 to 5 bullet points, highlights the main points of the confession or article, provides insight into what you are about to read, and is located on the left top of every confession or article if it is available. Most of the Quick Glimpse bullets are taken directly from the article itself, but there may be articles or confessions with Quick Glimpse bullets paraphrased. Quick Glimpse is not available for all articles, specifically articles with under 400 words, short infographics, and adult-only erotic confessions.
Quick Glimpse may or may not be available on some mobile or tablet devices and there is currently no option to turn off the feature. We do have several bug reports of Quick Glimpse appearing after the article at the bottom of the page, and are attempting to fix it. (UPDATE: Quick Glimpse has been updated on most articles, but still may run into some issues of still appearing at the bottom of the page, mostly due to interference of coding.)
Quick Glimpse was designed for the reader who likes to get straight to the point, who may not like to read, who may like to skim through everything, who may just want an idea of what the article or confession is about, or who may want an idea of what they are about to read. It may or may not reveal all the details of the article or confessions, but will provide a little insight. Quick Glimpse is not meant to replace the entire article confession and does not contain every single detail of the article confession.
To any guest authors wishing to include a brief summary with their article, please feel free to submit 4 to 5 bullet points at the end of your submission. Otherwise, a Quick Glimpse of your confession article will be automatically generated on publication.
To the readers: We do hope you find Quick Glimpse useful and helpful in getting a brief understanding of what the article confession is about. If you have any suggestions or wish to contribute for article confessions that do not currently have Quick Glimpse, please feel free to contact us.