Matthew Gates 1m 352 #routine
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Challenge of the Week: Change Up Your Routine
When it comes to routine, most people who work in an office know it very well: Get up, shower, bathroom, brush teeth, wake up kids, make and eat breakfast with kids, make lunch for self and kids, get everyone off to school, head to work, sit in some traffic, arrive at office, start day, work all morning, go to lunch, work all afternoon, head home, clean mess, make dinner for family, help kids with homework, clean mess, put kids to bed. You are lucky if you get a few 5 minutes of bathroom break times to yourself throughout the day. Is this your routine? Same routine, everyday, 5 to 7 days a week, almost 365 days a year, with a few days off here and there, and some holiday time.
It might not seem boring because you are kept busy, but the same old routine does become mundane, as if you are a zombie operating and autopilot, and you don’t even have to think about anything that you are doing. Throw something into the mix and you are actually thrown off. Sometimes, you just need to change up the routine by doing something different. Whether you want to drive a different route to work, change up something you do in the morning, have breakfast for dinner and dinner for breakfast, or whatever the case may be, change it up.
Do something that breaks your normal routine and feels different to you. Take a few extra minutes for yourself or your spouse. Swap places with your spouse in household duties and if they usually don’t cook, have them come up with dinner plans, and see how they do, though you may want to offer help if they never take over the cooking duties. Swap chores or routines with your spouse to make things different.
Your challenge this week is to have a different week away from the familiar, the mundane, the normal. Do something that brings some excitement back into your life again. Whether at home or at work, make it interesting, make it fun, make it different.