Infinite Scrolling Added To Confessions of the Professions
August 8, 2019 — When it comes to design, we are always trying to find great designs for Confessions of the Professions that are not annoying and often have great use of white space, as we are mostly a website that caters to readers. We do also have an option for our articles to be delivered in three types of accents: English, UK Female, and UK Male. When speaking of design, we are always getting ideas from different websites, including Medium, Facebook, and even some designs on Tumblr.
We’ve always loved the idea of an infinite scrolling feature but were never able to incorporate it into any design of ours because the template does not support it. This also includes the template you see now (2018-2020) which does not actually support an infinite scrolling option. After some tinkering and finding out how to add infinite scrolling to our home page, we were able to get the right combination of classes and IDs to get the infinite scrolling working. Instead of pagination, in which you would click the numbers at the bottom of the page, 1-2-3-4-5-6-beyond, you can now endlessly scroll through our list of articles.
You may also view our Archive of Confessions, which gives a list of almost every article ever published. We hope you enjoy this feature. This feature only applies to the home page and does not continue into individual articles themselves, though in the future, we may be seeking to add additional functionality that allows for endless scrolling of articles, or at least, to go to a previous or next post directly from an article.
We know this may be an addictive feature, but we are willing to take that risk, as we’ve got many, many articles, at least 2300 for you to read! So get started reading some great articles and enjoy the endless scrolling!