Infographics are also available in Text-Friendly versions
May 25, 2013 — Confessions of the Professions has began to offer infographics available as part of the confessions. The infographics section is an extension of the articles and offers a downloadable portion in the format of JPG and PDF.
Infographics have gained popularity over the past few years and offer an abundance of fun information. While not all information on an infographic may be true, you may read it at your own discretion. A Text-Friendly version is also included with every infographic, if available, for those who do not wish to read the image, but prefer a text-based format.
Information relating to the workplace, careers, jobs, finances, financial savings, colleges and universities are all welcome! It is recommended that a 300-word article is included with each infographic that is submitted. Infographics that do not contain any articles will be assigned to one and published, though credit will not be given to the submitter.
If you have an infographic with valuable information pertaining to the workplace, feel free to submit it! Make a confession today!