Being Prepared and Informed for Stress-Free Travel
Aiming to be a savvy traveller will help to ensure that your journey is not as unpleasant as it could be. If you are organised for your trip, you will probably enjoy it … ( read more
Aiming to be a savvy traveller will help to ensure that your journey is not as unpleasant as it could be. If you are organised for your trip, you will probably enjoy it … ( read more
Google is a search engine used by a millions of people searching over a billion search queries. Google was originally designed to index and deliver web pages to you. As Google has … ( read more
Google was incorporated on September 4th, 1998. It may have been “founded” a month earlier or a few months earlier, and certainly was in the brainstorming stages for at least a year … ( read more
What makes a CEO? From educational backgrounds, to work experience, and personality traits this infographic looks at the magic formula that makes a successful CEO.
When it comes to education almost all (97%) of CEOs have a bachelor’s degree of … ( read more
After reading your article about how much time people spend eating out, I thought you might be interested to know that at peak times, over 1/3 of Americans are watching TV. You can find this and more fascinating information … ( read more
No one wants to work in a sea of cubicles where you can hear a pin drop. If your corporate culture feels stiff or contrived and you’re in a position to change it, consider offering unique job perks to help … ( read more
Investors know the importance of diversifying their portfolio, and buying fine wines is a way to expand that diversification beyond the traditional world of stocks and bonds. Fine wines are usually profitable over the long term, and can yield some … ( read more
You bought that Italo Calvino book and still haven’t finished reading Nicollo Machiavelli’s The Prince and your new Bisaya Short Films subscriptions are still left unwatched. How can you consume them and enjoy each cold, bleak pleasure these products can … ( read more
If you are sitting at your desk reading this, you may want to brace yourself. Did you know that the average workplace desk can be 400 times dirtier than the average toilet seat? Eight in ten people in the UK … ( read more
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