Disclaimer: None of what I write is claimed to be factual of the COVID-19 pandemic story, but is a conspiracy that can be taken with a grain of salt, or taken to heart. Up to you.
As a conspiracy theorist … ( read more
Disclaimer: None of what I write is claimed to be factual of the COVID-19 pandemic story, but is a conspiracy that can be taken with a grain of salt, or taken to heart. Up to you.
As a conspiracy theorist … ( read more
In a very rare moment in human history, as we all complain about being confined to our homes, for what is now going on three months, which is about how long most places are in … ( read more
Imagine A World Without COVID-19, but then, I get ahead of myself. And it happened, but one day, it will just be a long forgotten memory, like the flu of 1918. I realize that the CCP … ( read more
Imagine going into hibernation for 500 years and waking up to a society that is less intelligent than you are. Sound familiar? Our world is starting to actually look like the movie, Idiocracy. Similarly in 2020, we are facing … ( read more
While the vast majority, about a billion or two humans remain in their homes, giving the Earth a chance to recycle and refresh itself, because in the New World Order, less of us go out to give our Mother a … ( read more
When working from home becomes a day-to-day reality as it has in the face of the COVID-19 outbreak, how do remote workers cope? What habits change?
Advanced Dermatology recently surveyed nearly 1,500 people that are working from home due to … ( read more
The interesting thing about the CCP virus or COVID-19 is that we definitely have some solid information about it, but that we, with all of our genius, can’t figure out how to defeat the virus. In … ( read more
There is no doubt that despite government and corporate outcries of being unable to halt business and stop their greed and destruction of the Earth, when it came down to the CCP virus spreading into their homes to possibly kill … ( read more
There is no doubt that this global epedemic brought upon by the CCP virus or COVID-19 has changed the world. For everyone, it has been devstating. Everyone now has PTSD and is traumatized. … ( read more
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