I am an executive assistant to a chief justice, which simply means that I work closely with the chief justice and with other lawyers. I am not a law student, but instead, a Psychology student. However, I think I was … ( read more
Tag: influence
Advice from an ER doctor to drug seekers
OK, I am not going to lecture you about the dangers of narcotic pain medicines. We both know how addictive they are: you because you know how it feels when you don’t have your Vicodin, me because I’ve seen many … ( read more
Brainstorming in the Workplace
Meeting of Brainstorming
When it comes to ideas, the whole concept of brainstorming with a group of people works great. Everyone gathers around at a meeting, usually before or after lunch, and contributes their ideas towards whatever a company is … ( read more
How to Deal With Your Problems
Have you ever wondered, in your thoughts: when your partner fantasizes, who he or she is thinking of? Every partner fantasizes about others. And sometimes those internal thoughts graduate to external actions… perhaps subtle actions like putting oneself in more … ( read more
Why Success Is Hard
Is Success Really That Hard To Achieve?
Success, more than anything, is something I like to talk about and think about. More than sex, more than money, and more than happiness. Success has many definitions and we are the ones … ( read more
Why You Are Successful
There are times in life where you feel that life has got you down, you have done everything wrong, nothing is going right, and there is no hope for you. You might think that if it were not for bad … ( read more
The Drama Of Modern American Democracy
When I was eligible to vote, it was during the second Bush administration that I turned 18 and I had the power to vote. I didn’t know where I stood in terms of my political background, but according to the … ( read more
Mean Girls Careers
In 2004, there were four beautiful girls who made a movie that became a classic. Who knew at the time that the movie was actually a good movie, that portrayed, at least, in Hollywood style, how girls act around each … ( read more
Why Google Should Lose Its Influence
Google Should Lessen Its Influence In The World
There is no doubt that Google has changed the world. We could talk about Microsoft or Apple or IBM or Intel or any other tech company that really paved the way for … ( read more