Weight Gain: It’s not the Freshman 15, it’s the Office 15!
After high school it seems that no matter what you do, you are bound to put on weight. With the obsession of weight gain and weight loss, everyone is … ( read more
After high school it seems that no matter what you do, you are bound to put on weight. With the obsession of weight gain and weight loss, everyone is … ( read more
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Are you one of those people who get very anxious when you have an exam coming up? Don’t feel too bad about yourself, you can get over it. Truth is, everyone gets a …
With the holidays around the corner, finding a balance between working a full time job and fitting in exercise can be next to impossible. What are some of the ways you maintain an active lifestyle? Whether … ( read more
If you work in the hospitality industry, you know that success in the field comes from a specific combination of personality, talent and experience. Deciding to remain in the field or use your acquired skills to pursue a similar path … ( read more
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