Hey there, scratch-off guy. Funny seeing you again. Seems like every time I stop at my local Quik-E-Mart you are at the counter redeeming your winning scratch-offs.
What’s that? You won $5 with that batch? Super! Only cost you $15, … ( read more
Hey there, scratch-off guy. Funny seeing you again. Seems like every time I stop at my local Quik-E-Mart you are at the counter redeeming your winning scratch-offs.
What’s that? You won $5 with that batch? Super! Only cost you $15, … ( read more
You hopefully have no clue what it’s like to work in a convenience store. Up until last month, I was equally oblivious to the daily grind faced by a convenience store worker. However, this wonderfully shitty economy gave me … ( read more
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