Helen O'Keeffe http://www.ezlivinginteriors.co.uk 1m 217
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Essentials For Your Home
Moving to a new home is one of the most significant things you will ever do, so much so that the activity often takes up all your leisure time, and possibly some of your working hours also. While getting the keys to your new home and signing the necessary paperwork is the biggest step, the move doesn’t quite feel fully complete just because these are done. Remember, it will take plenty of customization for the house to properly become your home.
Also, you might find that your new residence is missing a load of items which you might have automatically assumed would be there. This includes cookware, utensils, first aid kits, fire extinguishers, mirrors and coffee tables, the kind of things which are easily overlooked during the moving process but very much conspicuous by their absence. You’ll go to look for them, find they’re not around and realize how much you took them for granted.
This infographic from EZ Living Interiors provides a handy checklist of all the essential items that are needed for your new home. You might be lucky enough to have most of these already, but it’s very easy to check and see that you’re not missing anything!
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