Stuart 2m 528
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
I was a guy who hailed from a orthodox family and was brought up in discipline and all kinds of mannerisms. From childhood I was injected with nation growth and patriotism. Due to all this kind of upbringing, I decided to go into the special forces. But as a human being my soul always pushed me towards something artistic and imaginative. Something called painting with which I could flow with my thoughts and travel into my fantasy world.
But the dear Almighty had different plans for me. He chose to send me to do nation building and other things.
I was recruited as a Special Officer in the intelligence cell. The job was a kind of desk job and we mostly just chilled out unless something intelligent happened. One day while working on the job, we got a order from a senior to go and investigate a case in Kerala.
Kerala is an Indian state with magnifying beauty and with soothing calm. At first when I went there, I knew that this place was the right path to follow my path to the artistic world. From the first day of assignment, I was not attentive because a whirlpool of thoughts were going through my mind. I squeezed my time out and went to meet some mentor painters and sculptors which would guide me to my target. They all helped me and counseled me about my journey to the land of thoughts.
But as we all know God is superior and knows what person needs to do what. As I was fully prepared with my resignation letters and after all of my brainwashing, I went to my last assignment confidently, laughing inside that this would be my last one. We had to arrest a person from his hideout and bring him to the local police. It was an easy task and was looking much easier to me. We carefully went in and were just about to finish our task when we were ambushed from behind. One of my friends got injured and I quickly leaped to help him instinctively and was able to save his life, all in a matter of minutes. At that time, I realized that I am leading an organization that works for my country, that my country needs me, and that I am a great asset to both my country and my company.
Afterwards, I continued my mission, charged with an aura with which I lead the plan and successfully completed it. I was awarded by my seniors and a sense of respect grew in my juniors for me. At that time, I realized that it was not going to be easy to swap my career and live happily. I am certainly not unhappy with my choice and feel great doing what I do. I take full pride, respect, and honor in my work. Certainly that incident changed my view towards my professional life! Luckily that day, I was caught in the right foot, saved a friend, and had an insightful epiphany. I ended up remaining as a Special Intelligence Officer, but still continue to dream about my fantasy life as a famous artistic painter.