Cristen Bagley 2m 566 #freelance
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Ever since the world of business was drastically changed by the evolving digital age of advancing technology, the average career shifted from being placed within a cubicle office within a traditional, brick-and-mortar building filled with employees that work for other people to being placed within an office area right within the home of the worker that now works for themselves. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are so many more people that are interested in branching out of the traditional workplace and into their own home space. However, there are three key tools that all freelance contractors need to have in order to be successful in their endeavors.
Time Management Skills
When you are working for someone else, they basically manage the timing and scheduling for you. They will tell you when you have to show up and when you can leave each day. On the other hand, when you are working for yourself, this burden is placed directly on your own shoulders and no one else’s. Many people may view this as a privilege, which it is mostly. However, this is primarily a major responsibility that is going to require you to either have time management skills already or be able to develop them quickly if you plan on being successful as a freelance contractor.
A Solid Sampling of Past Work
In the traditional work environment, job interviews and resumes play significant roles in getting you the job in the first place. This is primarily because the employer would like to have a documented record of your past experience, education and accomplishments and also be able to see exactly what you can do for his company before seriously considering the possibility of hiring you. The same principle applies within the world of freelance work. You need to be able to develop a solid, online portfolio that is filled with your best work. By having an online portfolio, thousands of different clients and potential employers will be able to see exactly what you have done in the past, understand what you are capable of doing and then will be more likely to offer you the chance to do it for them in the future.
An Online Presence
Right along with developing a solid online portfolio, you are also going to need to develop a solid online presence. This can easily be achieved through creating a social media profile as well as a company website. Many people make the mistake of using their personal social media profiles for professional purposes. This can become a major problem unless all of the content on your personal profile shines a positive, professional light on you as a business owner. Having profane and obscene status messages along with crude and provocative pictures posted on your profile should be clear signs that you need to develop a separate profile for your profession. Following these steps will not guarantee you success as a freelance contractor. However, they will establish the solid foundation that you will definitely need in order to build this business from the ground up.
This article was written by Cristen Bagley. Cristen is a professional content writer that has been able to develop thousands of articles, blogs and reports on a wide variety of different topics. Along with having developed his own online portfolio, Cristen takes pride in being able to assist many other people to do the same.