Beth Stubbings 3m 632
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
The broad scope of marketing can sometimes leave business owners confused over which marketing form is the best way to promote their company. When looking to achieve strong results and an improved reputation, many companies are unsure whether the routes of visual advertising and telephone marketing will actually help their reputation or damage it, as consumers have been known to react negatively to these direct marketing strategies.
For companies looking to make a lasting, positive impact, then public relations is the natural marketing choice, as a PR agency will work over an extended period of time using a blend of techniques to create beneficial results that will great positive exposure for your company and brand.
PR Incorporates other Forms of Marketing
A well thought out PR campaign can incorporate other forms of marketing, and will work successfully alongside other marketing efforts such as visual advertising and internet marketing. Should your business be developing a new advertising campaign, for example, your PR strategy can be adapted to incorporate this impending boost in your company’s recognition and by reacting appropriately can help make your advertising campaign more successful.
PR is the Subtlest Form of Marketing
Many consumers have spoken of the negative effects of ‘in your face’ advertising campaigns and other marketing techniques, and how ultimately this can cause a bad, or poor, reaction to a company. Unlike most marketing tactics, a public relations campaign can be relatively subtle.
With some strategies involving working with the press to convey important or useful information to target audiences via promotional articles, your PR campaign can be subtle if required. Subtle campaigns that targets the right audiences can help your business grow at a steady rate, rather than have an initial burst and then a swift decline.
PR is Marketing that is Built to Last
Public relations is not just concerned about the here and the now, but is more focused on developing a campaign for your business that will have a lasting positive impact. An agency will work to create a lasting strategy that will constantly develop as markets, trends, and your business change, meaning that you will always be getting the best exposure for your business over a long period of time.
Due to PR campaigns using a real mix of strategies, most agencies will tell you that you might not get instant results, but that the results you do get will create firm foundations for any and all future marketing your business requires.
PR Makes your Business Look Good
A great PR company and campaign will make your business look good for a long time. Where other forms of marketing can be open for interpretation by the industry and the public, a PR campaign is specifically tailored to only convey a positive message about your company and brand, meaning that whatever your agency does to increase awareness, it will always to so with the aim of creating a good reputation and help your company look like an industry leader.
Through a careful combination of tactics that include, social media management, press releases, promotional articles and TV and radio interviews, a PR campaign can help your business, or the face of your company, be viewed as experts within you industry and therefore a trusted source, which will have a lengthy positive impact and ultimately make your business look very good.
About the Author
Beth Stubbings is aware of how confusing the multiple strands of marketing can be and thinks that it must be very difficult for businesses to decide on which is the best way to market their business. She thinks that PR is an effective marketing technique as it allows companies to target audiences in a subtle way. She would recommend Eclat to tech companies that are looking to invest in public relations.