Over A Million Words and 2,000 Confessions
6 years old is how old Confessions of the Professions will be on February 22, 2019. As an early birthday gift, we’ve upgraded our server to a dedicated host that can handle the … ( read more
6 years old is how old Confessions of the Professions will be on February 22, 2019. As an early birthday gift, we’ve upgraded our server to a dedicated host that can handle the … ( read more
When it comes to coffee, much of the world runs on it. Much of the world loves it. Most of us get up and make our cup of coffee everyday, religiously. There are also others, … ( read more
For many people, the bar or a club is a place they go to meet people or just have fun and hang out. Sometimes they meet their friends for a “Girl’s Night … ( read more
Parents helping kids with homework is something required by the American educational system. The reason for this is quite simple – time spent by an average student out of school is about 70%, and studies should constitute a big part … ( read more
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