Matthew Gates 2m 423 #socialmedia
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Social Media is becoming ever popular and the preferred form of advertising. While television, radio, newspapers, and billboards are still a popular way of getting your company message out there, the reliance on social media spreads further through the Internet. Companies often relied on local radio and television broadcasts which might bring them local business to those who might be interested in the products of the company, but the Internet and Social Media has made it possible for companies to go viral, nationwide, and worldwide with their products. The owner of a small company selling specialized masks, for instance, might have had to travel and seek out businesses and people interested in masks. With the Internet, this small business owner can save money and time by focusing on the marketing efforts of his company through the Internet instead.
There are a wide range of tools to help both small and large businesses with marketing themselves. Many small businesses are also springing up to help these businesses with their branding and marketing efforts. After all, businesses do not do social media to be social, they do social media in order to increase sales and revenue for their company. Every company wants to know its marketing efforts are working, especially when it comes to Social Media Marketing.
In the beginning, all of the company’s focus is on launching the Big 4, as discussed in the Ebook: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. These are the most popular networks and the easiest to begin a marketing campaign with. During the Big 4, a company moves into managing how to market to itself by focusing on content creation, landing pages, tracking traffic analytics, Facebook likes, and working to improve their brand sentiment, as well as taking surveys, customer polls, and seeing what works and what doesn’t. Once the company understands its marketing efforts and its audience, it then needs to optimize, refine, and tune itself to appeal to its target audience — loyal customers.
There are hundreds of tools to help a company with its marketing efforts. This ebook focuses on the tools of Twitter, Facebook, Multiple Social Channel Management, Content Creation and Integration, Social Media Monitoring, Email Address Enhancement, and many other tools to help companies increase profits and ROI, enhance marketing efforts, and understand their customers.
Download: 99 Social Media Tools [Ebook] (Right-click for save options)
This e-book is brought to you by the 60 Second Marketer, Mobilize Worldwide and BKV Digital and Direct Response.
Matthew Gates is a freelance web designer and currently runs Confessions of the Professions.