Ryno Dingo 2m 476
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
My life took some strange turns, but it all worked out for the better in the end.
This is my story that started in the year 1995.
My small family huddled together on a chilly spring morning at the train station. My father-in-law looked at me with soft green eyes full of concern and wished me well on my journey. My wife looked at me with eyes filled with tears and worry, and my children aged 5 and 2 gave me a hug and kiss, not realizing the impact of their father not coming back any time soon.
The economy was in crisis and there were no jobs where I lived. With the little money we had, I boarded the train, leaned out the window, and waved until my family faded into the distance. I was on my way to the unknown, hoping to secure a good job. Twenty-four hours later, I arrived in a beautiful town called Cape Town. A place that where I often felt like a beggar on a beach of gold. The good job I was promised did not come to be. With a promise of money to come from the sale of our house, I managed to secure an apartment, but there was no fancy furniture, not even beds. My family arrived a month later with their meager possessions, including a blanket each for sleeping on the floor. I managed to secure a six-month contract as an office worker, then after that, nothing.
Not even having the money for public transport, I walked the streets looking for work to the point where my legs chafed and began to bleed, and my shoes were worn through, exposing my toes. Out of desperation, I managed to secure some money and bought a few packets of nuts and biltong, which I sold in office blocks. My life took a strange turn as my wife and I juiced carrots and orange juice and sold it from shop to shop.
Waking up at 4:00am to go to the market to buy fruit and vegetables to resell at night after a hard day’s work at the office still didn’t cut it. I was a Jack of all trades and a master of none in that I worked in the sun selling biltong, nuts, cutting grass, washing windows, and any other work I could find, which eventually left me with skin cancer. I soon came to the realization that I had to seriously find online work as it was the only option I had as a 45 year old white male in South Africa.
So, I started writing stories and articles online for money, and a year later, discovered The Rainmaker who literally transformed my life for the better.
He showed me what was needed to get on top of the online marketing game. I applied it and haven’t look back since.