Is There Any Value With Confessions of the Professions?
For the month of July 2018, we ran an experiment involving our contributors and marketers. Having always published for free, as we highly believe in free speech and feel that … ( read more
Articles of insight, knowledge, advice, and tips on Jobs, Careers, Employment, and other Opportunities and Information.
For the month of July 2018, we ran an experiment involving our contributors and marketers. Having always published for free, as we highly believe in free speech and feel that … ( read more
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As the old saying goes, if I knew then what I know now, I probably would have saved a lot more money. In this case, I am referring to my student loans. I went …
I am not old enough to remember when doctors made house calls, but I remember seeing it in films, and I also remember when being a doctor was a respected profession. The doctor making … ( read more
The inspiration from this confession came from a package I received in the mail from the United States Postal Office that made me think: Just how bad can do your … ( read more
Lorem Ipsum. A Google search reveals over 125,000,000 results and this number increases every day. Many, many websites contain Lorem Ipsum. Usually, when anyone sets up a website with a Content Management … ( read more
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There is a lot most of us are willing to put up with at work and we will hold down a job that we hate just to pay our bills, feed our kids, or just …
Most companies never thinking twice about loyal employees. Most people just need a job and employers will most likely hire them. The pool of unemployment is often filled with people who are … ( read more
After having good credit for so many years, not to brag, but it is just something I take personal pride in: paying all my bills on time and being that … ( read more
Television is relatively young technology, but it has been one of the most influential factors in our history, from showing us the very first broadcast in black and white of a television show to … ( read more
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