Matt Zajechowski 1m 230 #stocks
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Analysis of High-Profile Tech Stocks Performance since IPO
If you’ve followed the news lately, you’ve probably noticed how volatile the stock market has been, especially in the tech sector. Stocks like Amazon, Tesla and bitcoin have been all over the map. Stocks that people would have killed to have a month ago, are selling at record lows. To get a better insight into how high-profile tech stocks have performed since IPO, the folks at Waterstone Group put together a list of the top 50 tech stocks in history to try and determine how much your shares would be worth today if you had invested $1,000 at their IPO.
Apple vs Amazon. Facebook vs Twitter. Google vs GE. All the great tech companies are on the list in one comprehensive chart. There are also many companies that have performed way better than you might realize. If someone gave you an option of buying Google stock or Netflix stock at IPO, most people would probably take Google without a blinking an eye. The truth of the matter is that you would have way more money currently if you had invested that same $1,000 in Netflix instead of Google. Interestingly enough, the two highest performing stocks with a post-2000 IPO are Chinese Internet behemoth Tencent and Netflix. To see the full analysis, check out the infographic below.
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