Audrey Willis 1m 242 #leadership
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Health Organization Leadership & Management Structures
Effective leadership promotes employee motivation, job satisfaction and team collaboration. It’s essential for improving the world’s healthcare systems, and the right leadership style is imperative for laying a groundwork of success for healthcare providers.
Case in point, a research study conducted among Ugandan nationals found that 62-percent of healthcare workers preferred transformational leaders and 42-percent favored transactional leaders, while only 14-percent were preferential to laissez-faire leaders.
The study positively correlated transformational leadership with motivation, job satisfaction and teamwork, but it connected transactional leadership with only job satisfaction and teamwork. Furthermore, motivation by optimistic leaders positively influenced workers’ intellectual stimulation, yet they associated this trait negatively with upper management. In effect, proved the study, healthcare employees who are managed by transactional leaders miss out on the positive benefits of motivation.
The report further revealed that job satisfaction rose in tandem with intellectual stimulation, and teamwork was more prevalent under the leadership of optimistic leaders. Overall, the transformational leadership style had the most positive impact on healthcare workers who participated in the poll.
The outcomes of workers who were led with transformational leadership were much better compared to those who labored under the oversight of transactional or laissez-faire leaders. The researchers concluded that transformational leadership in healthcare facilities could produce sustainable positive outcomes for staff members and patients.
Developed by the Regis College online Master of Health Administration degree program.
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