Matthew Gates 3m 712
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Can you recognize when you are outgrowing your company?
You have a specific skill set and you are good at what you do. What’s the problem? You don’t have a job. So the day comes when you see the job listing and you apply. Luckily, you go in for your interview and they really like you. Within the next few days, they call you in and negotiate a salary with you. You figure you have the skill set they want, but you may need some training, so you decide to settle for a little less. As a matter of fact, you are just really happy you got the job.
The first few months are training, learning the aspects of the job, getting to know your co-workers, and becoming a productive member of the organization. You find everything challenging but rewarding. Everyday is an experience of learning something new. You eventually find your supervisor is complimenting you and the CEO of the company is personally impressed with your work. You feel satisfied and comfortable with your job. You have no reason to leave because this is exactly the kind of work you were looking for and you feel comfortable enough to call it your career.
After a year, maybe two, you begin to realize that you’re bored. You were promised a raise, but you didn’t get one. Maybe you did, but its been over six months since your last raise. You feel less passionate, less motivated, and work is just a place for you to go, get your job done, make a paycheck, and go home. You are literally a zombie that hits the alarm clock every morning, takes a shower, gets dressed, and goes to work. Rinse and repeat.
Knowing When To Quit
While you might think it’s a good idea to hold on and keep that job for as long as you can, you may be missing out on learning new things. You may also fear leaving your comfort zone which will prevent you from going anywhere. You shouldn’t quit your job before you have a new one, but you should seek other opportunities to expand your skills and talents and get yourself out there.
Unfortunately, the majority of companies will lay you off in a heartbeat and not think twice about it while hiring someone at a cheaper rate. This is just a fact of life. Don’t be afraid of leaving your job. Begin your search for a new opportunity.
Keep in mind the risks associated with seeking another job and leaving your current one. You will technically be starting over, but it may be new and exciting, and may just offer that career opportunity you were looking for with full benefits and annual salary increases.
You may argue and think that getting a job is hard. The job market is very hard. There is no guarantee you will be happy or even find a job easily. But the alternative is remaining a zombie and just getting through your life. Rather than living, one day you will wake up and realize, where did your life go? You’ve been on cruise control for years, just getting through each day one at a time. With the American workforce the way it is, everyone is replaceable and there is no job security. Accept it. It is not going to change. In fact, it will get worse. Depending on where you live, you could be up against hundreds to thousands of people all competing for one job.
Be confident. Know that you offer a valuable skill set and would be an asset to any company. Don’t have any regrets for leaving your former company, even if your future job doesn’t work out. Every opportunity has its challenges and its rewards. If you feel that you made a mistake and are unhappy with your new job, don’t quit right away, but begin your search over again. Eventually you will come across the job you want; the job you love; the job that makes you passionate about your life; and once you find that job, it becomes your career, and you will feel as if you never have to work a day in your life.