Helen O'Keeffe http://www.evoke.ie 4m 932 #sexforhealth
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Of course, sex is fun but how can it benefit your health? Our infographic reveals some of the many health benefits of sex and explains exactly how it affects our brains. For example, did you know that in a typical sex session lasting 25 minutes, men will on average burn 100 calories and women will burn 69. It’s not just calories that you burn either. Sex is good for your mental health and sleep too; one in six women reports sleeping better after sex and in addition, research reveals that people who had sex at least once over two weeks were better able to manage stressful situations.
When we look at the science behind this research we can see that a lot of beneficial hormones are released during or after sex, for example, endorphins and oxytocin are released during sex, and these feel-good hormones activate pleasure centres in the brain that create feelings of intimacy and relaxation. Furthermore, after sex, the relaxation-inducing hormone prolactin is released, which can help people to nod off more quickly.
To find out more about the many perks of a healthy sex life, check out our insightful infographic below.
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Why Sex is Good for Your Health
We are all aware that having sex is fun. But what might the less obvious is that it’s also good for our health – both mentally and physically. Find out about some of the many perks of an active sex life below.
What the Stats Say
In a typical sex session lasting 25 minutes, men will on average burn 100 calories and women will burn 69.
A study of 83 women with migraine found that more than half experienced relief after orgasm.
On average we have sex fewer than five times a month compares to six and a half times 20 years ago.
An hour of sex burns almost as many calories as a 30-minute jog.
A 25-year study of men and women aged 60 to 96 found that more men had sex the longer they lived. Women who said they enjoyed their sex lives lived seven to eight years longer than those who were indifferent.
Women have an average of four sex partners during their lifetime.
Men have an average of seven.
One in six women reports sleeping better after sex.
The Health Benefits of Sex
{ Less Stress
Research reveals that people who had sex at least once over two weeks were better able to manage stressful situations.
The Science
Endorphins and oxytocin are released during sex, and these feel good hormones activate pleasure centers in the brain that create feelings of intimacy and relaxation.
A Stronger Immune System }
Individuals who have sex once or twice a week show 30 percent higher levels of an antibody called immunoglobulin A (IgA), which is known to boost the immune system.
The Science
Your IgA immune system is your body’s first line of defense. Its job is to fight off invading organisms at their entry points, reducing the need for activation of your body’s immune system.
Improves Sleep
Studies have shown that both men and women sleep better after sex.
The Science
After sex, the relaxation-inducing hormone prolactin is released, which can help people to nod off more quickly. The ”love hormone” oxytocin, released during orgasm, also promotes sleep.
Exercise }
Sex is a form of moderate exercise. According to studies, it burns about five calories per minute.
The Science
It may not compare to more traditional forms of exercise but sex can help to increase your heart rate and also helps to work out your muscles.
{ A Youthful Glow
In a study conducted at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital in Scotland, a panel of judges viewed participants through a one way mirror and guessed their ages. Those who were having sex with a steady partner four times a week (on average) were perceived to be seven to twelve years younger than their actual age.
The Science
Regular sex promotes the release of hormones, including testosterone and estrogen, which can keep the body looking young and vital. In additional, estrogen has also been shown to promote soft skin and shiny hair.
Improves Cardiovascular Health }
A study revealed men who had sex at least twice a week were half as likely to develop life-threatening heart conditions compared to men who had sex rarely.
The Science
Researchers said that the benefit of sex could be due to both the physical and emotional effects on the body. Of course, sex is a great way to raise your heart rate.
{ Relieves Pain
One study of 83 women with migraine found that more than half experienced relief after orgasm. The research found that 30 percent reported some pain relief while 17.5 percent said that it had in the past relieved their symptoms altogether.
The Science
Orgasm is associated with an upsurge of blood flow from the brain which could be responsible for reducing or eradicating headaches.
The 5 Chemicals You Should Know About
Dopamine: This chemical stimulates desire and reward by triggering an intense rush of pleasure.
Norepinephrine: This chemical generates exhilaration and increased energy by giving the body a shot of natural adrenaline.
Testosterone: Testosterone is known as the hormone of sexual desire in both men and women. For men, however, it is the key hormone of desire, causing feelings of positive energy and well-being.
Oxytocin: The strong hit of oxytocin at climax acts as a natural tranquilizer, lowering blood pressure, reducing sensitivity to pain and stress, and inducing sleep.
Serotonin: This natural chemical is released right after climax, bringing on a feeling of inner calmness, satisfaction, and release from stress.