Matthew Gates 2m 444 #challenges
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Challenges of the Week
Each week, we will be running weekly challenges that test your abilities of restraint to take control of your own life. You are not forced to participate, but we hope that you partake in the events. You can leave a reply in the comments to let us know if you are participating and how you did throughout the week.
These challenges are after getting you and possibly your office on a healthy lifestyle path or getting you to change your bad habits in order to change your ways and opt for healthier living, if you so choose to strive for a healthier lifestyle and get out of such bad habits. We have already tried many of these challenges ourselves and will be participating with you.
You can attempt these challenges alone, with your co-workers or your boss, or your entire family. We hope you join us, as we would not give you these challenges, without doing them ourselves! We hope you participate.
These challenges will not be impossible, but may require sacrifice, patience, persistence, and effort. None of these challenges will be harmful to your health and if you feel you cannot participate in them or have to quit them at any time, you are welcome to do so.
None of these challenges will get you fired or put your life in danger in any way. They are simply lifestyle choices you can make that you have probably always wanted to make, but no one has ever challenged you to do it.
Challenges include mostly giving up specific foods or adding something to your diet, to performing a specific activity that will help you feel better about yourself, to possibly doing something you never thought you could do.
After the challenge is complete, you may continue to keep the challenge going and make it a lifestyle habit or go back to your old ways.
If you miss the first day of the challenge, that is okay, you can start at any time or stop any time you wish. While we would love to keep score for you, you are personally responsible for keeping your own score, and you will get bragging rights in the end when you let us know in the comments what you experienced throughout your challenge, whether you kept it up, or if you found it too challenging. We would love to know how you did!
The start of these challenges will be on every Monday and end right before the next challenge is posted. They will be featured and remain above all confessions throughout the week as a sticky. We will start next week. Be prepared!