Sophie Bell-Rhone 1m 230 #vacation
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
How To Relax on Vacation When You Are A Workaholic
If you’re anything like most people, especially Americans, you are a hard worker. In fact, most Americans need to be told to take a vacation and often opt not to take vacations, even though they are afforded them. Unfortunately, there are still many companies in the United States that offers no vacation time at all, meaning that if you take off, you do not get paid at all. However, for companies that do offer vacation time, they sometimes compensate their employees by buying the vacation time back, meaning the employee is receiving compensation in the form of an additional paycheck.
For those that do take vacations, however, it is sometimes hard to “turn yourself off” and not check your email, or worry about what is happening at the office, especially if you are a business owner or are an important factor in running the company. Of course, you want to ensure that while on vacation, you have peace of mind, but your own personal feelings do not allow you to do that, and sometimes you may even interrupt your vacation for matters of work.
If you are a workaholic and wondering how to actually relax on vacation, continue on to read the infographic below.
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