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Setting goals for the new year allows you to get a fresh start to begin making healthy lifestyle choices. However, getting in shape requires more than just wishful thinking; it requires action. Whether you want to get into shape to lose weight or promote overall health and wellness, you’ll need to ensure you have a plan and remain committed. Unfortunately, making new years resolutions is easy but following through with them is difficult.
A busy lifestyle means you have to wake up, get ready for work, go to work, come home, and cook dinner for yourself and the family. Not to mention, there are so many errands you need to run each day. Instead of getting caught up in how busy your life is, you can find ways to get into shape this year. Here’s how you can get into shape in the new year.
Build a Plan
The first step to getting into shape is creating a plan. Your plan should include realistic goals; these goals should be things you can accomplish. For example, a goal to lose 30 pounds in a single month isn’t achievable, but losing 5 pounds in a month is. Remember, your ultimate goal will require time, sustained effort, and patience with yourself. You can’t rush your goal of getting into shape.
When it comes to fitness, your goals should align with your ability to work out. So instead of aiming to work out for over an hour every day, consider how much time you’re able to set aside for fitness.
Your plan should also include when you work out. If your days are busy, then you should aim to exercise around the same time each day to ensure you’ll have enough time to follow through. You can work out before work, during lunch, or after work; just try to find a time you’ll be able to commit to and do every day.
Be Consistent
Getting into shape doesn’t happen overnight. To train your body and improve your overall health, you should be consistent. Being consistent allows you to get into the habit of working out. At first, getting into the habit of working out can be difficult. Not only will you have to adjust your schedule or wake up earlier, but you might experience soreness for the first few days of a new workout routine.
The more consistent you are with your workout routine, the easier it will get for you to get into a habit. Once you’ve formed a habit of working out, it won’t seem so difficult. Not only that, but your body will no longer be as sore as it grows stronger with each session.
Be Accountable
Holding yourself accountable will help you stay on track. This is easier said than done because it requires you to be committed to your fitness routine. Remember, nobody is responsible for your ability to get into shape except you. To hold yourself accountable, you can write down your goals, hire a fitness coach, and even reward yourself for reaching your goals.
Being accountable is not the same as punishing yourself; instead of feeling guilty if you slip up and don’t work out one day, you should make a plan for what to do during times of failure so you can quickly get back on track.
While nobody else is responsible for your workout routine, you can ask your friends and family to help hold you accountable. For example, your friends and family can help you stay in shape by helping you stay on a schedule and reminding you when it’s time to work out. You can also have them ask you questions about your goals and achievements so you’ll have someone other than yourself to answer to.
Eat Right
You can exercise all you want, but if you’re not eating right, you likely won’t see the gains or losses you’re looking for. A healthy diet is key when you’re trying to get into shape. You need enough protein, carbs, and calories to ensure you’re able to build muscle and/or lose weight. If you’re not eating right, you might not be able to build muscle and easily recover from your workouts.
Not only that, but your diet can help improve your energy levels. Junk food can make you feel lethargic, which might get in the way of your workouts. However, a healthy diet can help you stay energized and motivated so you never miss your gym session again.
You should also aim to drink fewer calories. For example, if you add sugar and creamer to your coffee, try drinking it black or with a sugar-free sweetener instead so you can cut unnecessary calories.
Track Everything
If you’re truly committed to getting into shape, consider tracking everything from your workouts to your calories and macros. Tracking lets you see your progress and ensure you’re doing everything you’re supposed to without guessing or estimating. For example, if you’re trying to eat fewer calories from fat, you can use a macro tracking app to ensure you follow the same healthy diet every day.
You can also use health gadgets to track your activity and learn more about your overall health and wellness.
Reward Yourself
If you’re not getting any type of reward from your workouts or diet, then you’re more likely to quit. While for many people, weight loss or seeing muscle gains is enough of a reward to keep some motivated, others might need a reward to look forward to. The reward can be anything you want, including going out for a healthy meal instead of cooking or buying yourself something you want.
Be Patient
Getting in shape doesn’t happen in a single day, week, or month. Making yourself healthier takes time, which is why consistency is key. If you’re not patient, then you can quickly lose motivation. For example, if you’re trying to lose weight, you might not see any changes on the scale for at least a few weeks, but that doesn’t mean it won’t ever happen. During the first few weeks of a new workout routine, your body has to adjust. Luckily, as soon as you start losing, you’ll feel motivated to continue working out; you just have to be patient with yourself and your body.