Gill Andrews and Angela Alcorn 2m 391 #monetizeblog
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Get Paid To Blog
1) Get your basic equipment. You need a pc and an internet connection, and you can do it from anywhere.
2) Sort out your taxes. You need to be legally ready, so call your tax office and fill out all the paper work.
3) Get an invoicing system. You would need to keep track of your invoices (also for your tax declaration), so either sign-up for a ready-made solution (for ex., Freshbooks or Billomat) or develop your own system.
4) Get a PayPal account. As most of the websites pay the writers via Paypal, you need a PayPal account that links to your checking bank account.
5) Set up a portfolio website. Get a domain for and set up a WordPress site there to act as your portfolio. This is the best way to let people who are searching for you online find you presenting them all the relevant information about you as a writer. But if you already have a website and don’t want to create another one, a dedicated page on your existing website would also do.
6) Create professional social network profiles. You need to connect with other people from your niche, and this is the best way to do it.
7) Start networking. You never know where your next job will come from, so join writing groups, communities (for ex.,, forums, etc. and start interacting with people.
8) Blog with purpose. If you have particular websites in mind you want to write for, on your portfolio websites, post a couple of articles in the style you know they would love to refer to these posts later when you pitch an idea to those websites.
9) Develop your pitch. When you pitch an idea to a website, you need to know very well what their audience likes to read as well as the style of their headlines and articles. Your pitch should be tailored for a particular website every time you pitch.
10) Keep pitching. If your idea got rejected, it doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea. It’s not a “no”, but simply “not now” or “not for us”. Just try pitching it elsewhere.
This infographic originally appeared in the article “How to Become a Freelance Writer. A Story of One Career.” by Gill Andrews and Angela Alcorn
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