Matt Zajechowski 1m 243 #logos
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Evolved Recognition of Logos
I recently worked with C+R Research (a marketing research agency) to analyze the evolution of iconic logos, and their relation to company revenue.
This research confirms for any marketers who are fretting the relation of brand aesthetic to revenue that there are likely more many things to worry about on top of logo evolution. It also reveals a fairly interesting pattern, which is this—many major brands, particularly tech brands, fuss with their logo A LOT in the early years, and then as soon as they take off and experience explosive growth, they back off. What’s interesting about this is a) many of these brands were wildly off the mark in their early iterations and b) a person could certainly make false correlations between “getting the logo/look/brand right” and business taking off, which is something to be cautious about.
In doing so we uncovered several interesting trends for marketers and business owners:
- Microsoft grew its annual revenue by $73.3 billion on the back of a single logo between 1987 and 2012
- Between 1994 and 2000, Amazon changed its logo six times..but hasn’t changed it since. During that time they went from being a barely known online bookseller to one of the most powerful, market-shifting companies in history
Our full analysis can be seen here. Take a look and let me know if you can use any of this for a story?
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