Thomas 1m 248 #phishing
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The Threats Of Mobile Phising
Although the mobile version of phishing is still in a foreign concept for many, it already has affected a lot of organizations across the world over the past few years. Despite the all the deterrence businesses have in place to defend themselves from the usual email phishing, many companies have fallen victim of phishing conducted over mobile apps, social media, and other new more novel approaches.
According to latest statistics, 20% of companies that allow the use of mobile devices in their workplace said they had been a victim of data breach. Research from the University of Texas concludes that overconfidence in detecting phishing attack is the reason why so many users fall victim to these kinds of attacks. With such alarming statistics, it is only imperative for companies to educate their employees about the latest methods being employed by fraudsters to initiate mobile phishing attacks.
What makes mobile phishing as a method of intercepting sensitive data is the variety of techniques that can be used to lure the victim commit unintentional actions. One of the most popular method being used is by luring the user to install a nefarious application masquerading as a legitimate application. When installed, the attacker can prompt the user to enter their personal information such as username, password, credit card number, etc.
Learn more about the latest threats in mobile phishing and ways to avoid them by checking this infographic from TeleMessage.
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