Andy Crestodina 1m 144 #blogging2019
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Best Blogging Content In 2019
A new survey took out the guesswork and asked 1,000 bloggers about what goes into posting successful content. From the length and frequency of posts to how their process works and the types of content they promote.
Highlights include:
- The average blog takes 3 hours and 28 minutes to write
- 55% of bloggers write less than 1,000 words per post
- Bloggers who spend 6 or more hours per post are 56% more likely to report strong results than those who don’t
- Bloggers who have a strategy of updating older content are twice as likely to report strong results
Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media has been conducting an annual blogger survey since 2014. The latest update in data can be seen here and reveals how blogging trends have changed over the past 5 years.
Take a look at the full report here: