Eve Crabtree https://www.callcare247.com 1m 209 #stayorgo
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Staying At A Job vs. Leaving
It takes a strong will to resist the pull of the “dream job” when it’s dangled in front of you. Often, the driving force behind employees jumping from job one job to the next is the excitement behind the fact that your next role could be what you’ve been dreaming of since you were a child.
When the urge to hit the peak in your career becomes too strong, going from job to job can become the norm. Sometimes, however, this journey can lead to you missing out on developing your skills, building relationships and making a real difference to your company.
Although swapping jobs may feel like the easy way out when you’re feeling unhappy, or when things aren’t quite as you imagined, staying put and having a little more patience can often result in a huge payoff.
However, knowing whether to stay put in your role or to move on can be a challenging decision.
If you need a hand with figuring out whether to stay or go, CALLCARE has put together this useful flowchart. By the time you get your result, you should feel more confident in making the right decision for yourself and your future.