Maria Szatkowski 1m 361 #tapwater
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
[Study] How tap water tastes in every state
Many people say water tastes like nothing. At least it should. The truth is, drinking water comes out of our sinks in a wide range of flavors and odors. Many of the flavors—ranging from musty to metallic—can be quite off-putting.
Recently, Puronics investigated variations in tap water flavor across different regions of the US. We found that thousands of Americans bemoan bad water taste in their Google search bar each month, entering searches like “Why does my tap water taste bitter” or “my water smells like rotten eggs.”
Water tastes vary from state to state, but some of the tastes most frequently mentioned include eggs/sulfur, sweet, chlorine, salty, earthy, and musty.
Among the regional trends we spotted: the eggs / sulfur seems most concentrated in the Midwest and northeast; both Louisiana and Florida report a similar plastic taste, and America’s sweethearts are Oregon, Colorado and Oklahoma, each claiming “sweet” as the most unusually popular taste in their state.
Those water tastes aren’t going unnoticed, as Puronics also measured the volume of searches indicating concerns about water safety. States such as California, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey all have high levels of concern when it comes to drinking water. States such as Michigan, Massachusetts, Maryland and Utah complain the most when it comes to their water’s taste.
If you’ve ever noticed a metallic tang or a sulfur smell in your tap water, you’re not alone. A new study is shedding light on the differing tastes and odors of drinking water in each state, and whether that tap water is safe to drink.
Water tastes vary from state to state, but some of the tastes most frequently mentioned include eggs/sulfur, sweet, chlorine, salty, earthy, and musty.
Those water tastes aren’t going unnoticed. States such as Michigan, Massachusetts, Maryland, and Utah have some of the most complaints about water taste.
States such as California, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey all have high levels of concern when it comes to drinking water.
Check out the full report where you can see how water tastes in every state, and let me know if you have any questions!