Matthew Gates 45m 11,133 #covid19
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
The Distraction Of COVID-19
Imagine A World Without COVID-19, but then, I get ahead of myself. And it happened, but one day, it will just be a long forgotten memory, like the flu of 1918. I realize that the CCP virus has led us into a world where we are all worried about not catching a virus released upon the world by China that will likely infect about 10 to 20 million people or more once all is said and done and likely cause the death, or related death, to nearly 1 million people, as well as continue to affect nearly 50 million people a year once we stop our social distancing. The social distancing was never meant to stop the virus. It was only meant to delay the spread so that the world health care system is not overloaded and therefore does not collapse.
Let us not overlook the fact that because several hundred thousand people prefer to be millionaires, several thousand choose to be billionaires, and one or two has even topped a trillion dollars, while some around the world are barely making $1 a day. The COVID-19 is far more than a distraction from your everyday lives. The COVID-19 is a farcry of reality to show you just how out of touch with reality the rich elite of both Republicans, Democrats, and all of those around the world are with reality.
While billionaires and millionaires sail around the world in their yachts, enjoying the low cost of gasoline, the world’s poor, working class, and even many celebrities and politicians are stuck at home. We could argue that Donald Trump is not doing his job, but not only he is not risking not wearing a mask, but he’s not exactly locked away in his Mar A Lago golf course, socially distancing himself, either. Not to make this political, and say that he could have done a lot more, which he could have, of course. Every one could have.
Not only has it been that since Donald Trump became President, the entire world seems to have turned into a reality television show that exposes us like a Jerry Springer or Maury Povich show, or a show of Cheaters, exposing a new scandal each week. However, it technically has been that way, and while Donald Trump has largely been able to keep the focus off his own business practices and doings, the vast majority of the world is suffering.
Fortunately, the entire world needs to suffer because not only do we have to still live our entire dramas each day, but we have to live in a world where government drama, those created by our leaders, have now become our dramas. We thought we were paying our leaders enough money to keep us happy, working, and silent. Unfortunately, our leaders weren’t actually using a lot of that money for things that would immediately benefit our lives, or even prepare us for future disastrous events, like the one we are currently facing. Technically, by mathematical standards, there should have been enough money for us to not only take care of most people on the planet, but to get off this rock and start realizing there’s more out there than just our little rock planet.
When our world returns to normal and we are faced with the ever-increasing drama of the human race, we will be facing a lot of truths about our government, about the economy, about the global economy, about China, about Trump, and Congress, and about everything we once knew to be permanent, which we saw collapse so easily. This is not to say that any amount of money, time, or preparations could have prepared for a catostrophic event like this one, but the fact that we were so underprepared means that our leaders and we ourselves are very out of touch with reality, akin to believing everything is mere science fiction. So a reminder of the distractions we all forgot about while having plenty of time to think about it.
Medical Research and Facilities
There is no doubt that it is prideful to say that as Americans, we spend over a half a trillion on annual military spending. Let me write that one out for you. The number is actually around $700,000,000,000. If you actually knew where some of that money was going, and in fact, you probably do. Just search for anything war that involves an American presence. This is not to say that a military presence is bad. This is also not to say that we should decrease military spending.
This is also not to say that the American government does not spend enough on healthcare, however, due to any lack of shortages, or the mass production of life-sustaining machines, that the American healthcare system is largely underfunded, which, even if I wanted to sugar coat it: all nations should actually be spending far more on healthy living and lifestyles then on military or healthcare combined. If you prevent something from happening in the first place, you would avoid spending money on it at all.
Hence the two reasons:
- Military: stop fighting amongst nations, realize we’re all humans, and we really need to figure out how to not only get off this planet, but survive off of it as well, but instead, we just keep developing new machines and tools to kill each other. In the case of COVID-19, biological warfare at its finest. Again, this is not to say that we need to decrease military spending as it does create jobs, research, and helps police the world, and keep it under control to an extent.
- Healthcare: before COVID-19, most healthcare systems around the world are not filled to the brink of capacity or face the threat of collapse at any moment. Rather, healthcare was turned into a business and has been very good business for decades. Despite the billions of dollars a year from revenue into health companies, for every healthy person, there is likely a few unhealthy ones. “Unhealthy” meaning they are in future danger of hospital visits and longtime healthcare due to excess weight or other health problems that could otherwise be resolved if healthy lifestyle choices are made.
Healthcare needs vast funding and research and while the “business is good motto” helps to keep a population of human beings employed and working, while also ensuring there are forms of population control in place. You dying from diabetes, heart attack, stroke, or any health-related issue related or not related to obesity is bad. Your family is upset. You are no longer living.
The truth is though: the world is better off without you. I’m sorry. I had to say it. You know it’s true. Not you personally, but as you’ll come across an image of him below, I highly favored a win for Thanos. The population cut in half would halt our usage of resources to half and allow those who win the Thanos lottery a gift to be able to consume and use those resources.
Any who, COVID-19 showed vulnerabilities in the healthcare system around the world, and this is not because healthcare workers don’t know what they are doing nor do we even lack the technology. It is underfunding, understaffing, and underappreciation all-around. Kudos to all the nurses, doctors, surgeons, and un-qualified Ph.Ds who did a job you were not specialized in simply because you took an oath and were needed elsewhere outside of your field of specialty.
Greta Thunberg and Climate Change
While Greta Thunberg, a 16-year old girl who has technically become the voice and face of climate change around the Earth kept pushing for it. COVID-19 has definitely helped us consume a lot less, drive less, go out a lot less, and even give wildlife a chance to thrive again. While she has helped accomplished the start of the mission, this mission will need to be continued during her life and long after her great grand-children are passing away as they watch their own great-grandchildren still continue to thrive.
Let that sink in. That is nearly six to ten generations of human beings. If the world continues the way it is going, and we do not change, we are going to die. Plain and simple. There is nothing special about it. We are not immune to a virus. What would make us think we are immune to our own extinction and the devastations of Earth? So please, do something about your lifestyle and be aware that you are part of the human problem. It’s not your fault that you were born. It is your fault for choosing to continue what always has been.
Consumerism and Wastefulness
When it was first announced that the virus was a serious danger and we should all stay in our homes. Millions of people ran out and emptied the shelves of all local grocery stores. They went home, unloaded much of what they bought, and are now sitting on their couches, eating more from boredom, likely being even more wasteful in their homes, and even less educated on actually recycling.
The fact is: every person is guilty of consumerism. We all need and want things and we go out to buy them. It is not that we are buying too much, but that we are actually being too wasteful, throwing things out, not coming up with new ways to save our planet and ourselves from ourselves, as we continually bury ourselves into our own garbage.
When the economy begins up again and everyone starts going out again, there is no doubt that everyone will continue to be wasteful, again. Throwing things out. Littering. “Being human” is the excuse we always give for it. But “being human” is killing the planet.
A Celebrity Outburst
Ricky Gervais is literally one of the few celebrities, along with Ashton Kutcher, and many others, who are likely to be caught up in their own dramas, along with many other celebrities who are so out of touch with reality because the money that we would otherwise need to pay our rent is spent by them every minute of everyday of their lives. That is how much money they make. This is not to say they don’t deserve it. They do but the point is: money creates a reality distortion bubble.
Celebrities have a voice and are very powerful. They often know a lot more than what it seems, however, they are often out of touch with reality as well. Celebrities have their own list of issues from their rise up to fame, and possibly meeting Harvey Weinstein on the way, along with others, whom, well, let us just say that there are and always will be people, especially women, willing to do anything for the job. This is not to say they weren’t actually put in those positions, and made a choice. People do all the things they need to do to survive and sometimes they would prefer not to speak about it ever again.
So while they may have been coerced into something, should they continue getting a free pass? It would be like helping your best friend bury a dead body without saying anything and even if you had nothing to do with anything that caused the death of the deceased person, you will likely face prison time and could even get life, though if you can prove without a doubt that you feared for your life, that may knock some time off or grant you immunity with a good judge. But this confession is not about getting off the hook… though you can search for tips and tricks from lawyers on this website on how to acutally do it.
Go ahead and be mad at me feminist crowd. It is true throughout history: when you’ve got it, flaunt it. In a male-dominated society that thrives on manipulating and extracting sexual favors from men and women, the business amounts to billions of dollars a year and is seen from the very poor of society to the very rich and elite of society. Money, sex, and power. The three things that remain the same across all sector of life: we all want it. While the poor and working class resort to prostitution and hookers, the elite of society are trafficking higher quality goods, such as virgins as young as 12 to 16 years old, sugar babies, escorts, and a business that has been since the beginning of humanity.
Sex has and will always sell, no matter how many women’s movements there are, no matter how many rights women want and gain. And this is not to say that women do not deserve or should not have rights. Women should absolutely have rights. To treat them as sexual objects is awful. It should be disallowed and discontinued. However, on the other side of the coin: men equate sex with women and are turned on visually, and there is a market for all things women.
Jeffrey Epstein, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump
“Draining the swamp” was the term used. We overlook the fact that just a month or two before COVID-19 broke out, Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and a whole slew of pedophiles from the rich elite ring were exposed. While it is uncertain just how deep Trump was involved, he likely would never have said this statement, “[Former President Bill Clinton] Nice guy… got a lot of problems with the famous island coming up in my opionion with Jeffrey Epstein, a lot of problems.” He said this before he was elected in 2016.
The investigation into just how big this was covered the entire world, with Jeffrey Epstein’s black book. Hundreds to thousands of girls must now suffer in silence and while they will have their voices heard, they speak to an empty chair of a dead man who was murdered to keep him silent and from speaking about the rich elite, when his only real purpose, was to serve his masters, those with money.
Since he was silenced, with two of his partners on the run, and likely not only avoiding government capture, but their own bounties likely placed upon them by their highest paying clients who paid them for their silence because those contracts were certainly legally binding in their own illicit way, likely looked over by a very highly paid lawyers who represented not only Jeffrey Epstein, but his many clients as well.
A Spotlight On Child Sex Trafficking and Pedophilia
In leiu of the top elite, sexual trafficking of children and teenage girls is not only limited to the United States and overlooked by incompetent authority everyday. With millions of cameras and eyes on us throughout the day, it is hard to believe that these sex trafficking rings are so perfect that an airport like O’Hare or Dallas overlooks abused children and teenagers, who might often be too scared to speak out. This might mean that the chain goes further into each corporation, from the airlines to the legal authority, there are too many leaks in the system and the fact that slavery and the sex trade still exists in 2020 means that we are far from focused on the right things to eradicate it.
The entire dark world has a fetish for child pornography and young teenage girls, who are still very innocent. With each child who loses their innocence, our world becomes a darker place, and instead of having happy children who should be enjoying the world, we’re allowing more children, more souls to be born into this world, and suffer the abuse of being human. This is not fair to the souls who have yet to be born, nor is it fair to the souls who continue to experience abuse, who are ignored, or otherwise silenced.
The world must change. All countries are guilty of looking the other way when it comes to sex crimes, rape, and violence towards men and women, and many children being overlooked in an overwhelmed system, where they are left to realize that there is no happiness for them in this world, and they might be better off dead. While many don’t believe it, if there is such a thing as rebirth, imagine being born as the soul of the child who must face that. Are we going to change the world knowing its a possibility?
The fact that so many pedophiles and sexual ring leaders have been exposed around the world, including those who are not even elite and who might just be our neighbors, could be running a sex trafficking ring without anyone even knowing it. Pedophilia remains a huge problem around the world. Without proper measures from any government in place and the fact that so many of the elite, who are funding those very governments and leaders with millions to billions of dollars in “hush money” means that it these problems cannot go away, and considering the fact that this is a billion dollar industry means that it is likely here to stay, just as it has been here since our beginning.
Prisons During COVID-19
A report said that up to 800 or more prisoners could die from COVID-19. These are likely the long-term serving and older prisoners, as well as those with health problems. While the American prison system along with some other prisons are sometimes known for being cozy and a “better life than elsewhere” for prisoners, with great healthcare, but truth is, they are likely overwhelmed, and only contian very limited select staff members, so there is still a lot of vulnerability in a facility like a prison system, where there are plenty of cold surfaces for the virus to thrive, while also technically all being quarantine in mass in a single area, especially during meal times.
Prisons may do best to serve meals to sectors throughout the day while having everyone quarantine. This will not only allow prison guards more attention to focus on prisoners, but also prevents a lot of unnecessary fighting and potential prevention of deaths due to the hightened attention as well as less violent men around each other while imprisoned. Going forward, it is likely that prisons are still very vulnerable places that will need to be given additional attention towards sanitization and measures to prevent prisoners from being exposed to the virus.
The fact that many prisoners were released from prisons for lesser non-violent offenses means that we should be re-evaluating our overwhelmed judicial system to try and understand who actually belongs in prison, who can be slapped with heftier fines or community service. While no felons should be released without serving the time they were issued, this has exposed some vulnerabilities in the system itself to say that some of these sentences handed to these prisoners were far harsher and kept them in prison longer than they even needed to be.
Medical Facilities, Hospitals, Nursing Homes and the Elderly
A kudos to the entire medical staff of the entire world: most of you did a fantastic job that needed to be done and you were considered an essentail worker on the front lines, without proper medicla equipment, tools, or all the safety that you needed to perform the job. You, however, did your best to face what you needed to face with as much as you could do to keep your own self safe from others, and you did your best to keep yoru families safe.
COVID-19 has shown us that we are insanely vulnerable to the exposure of viruses that we would normally never worry about. It also shows us that our elderly are some of the most vulnerable in all of our countries, waiting around to die as if their lives never mattered. This is not to say or plead that we should pour millions more into our elderly care, but figure out how to implement new policies that better care and keep our elderly safe, as they were the worst off from the virus.
While governments tried to help you, we know they didn’t do their best and we could call a lot of it failures, before everyone got their shit together, and started getting it going. Unfortunately, there is likely still very overwhelmed staff in many places who still need help and have been urging people not to go outside, despite what their leaders think. When health care workers are telling you to stay home: please stay home. This is not about listening to Donald Trump or the government, but for actual people who are scared to death.
Schools and Public Places
It is obvious the virus is not going away any time soon and everything we are doing is literally to prevent our government and healthcare systems from becoming so overwhelmed and collapsing. The spread of the virus will continue full force once children, who are notorious for spreading disease and virus, go back to school. They will bring it home, then give it to their parents, who will then bring it work, who will then give it to their co-workers, who will then bring it right back home to their families, and the cycle would be endless.
Yes, this is how vulnerable humans are. The beautiful reality, however, that the media might not be showing you, is that more humans than not are recovering and not dying. It is more of a reality that if you were in a football stadium with 500,000 people and one person had COVID-19 and the spread began, then without prevention or any type of prevention with self-isolation and quarantine, 98% of the population would be infected, and between 5,000 to 10,000 people out of 500,000 people would die, which equates to about 1% to 2% of the total population infected. The odds of survivng the virus are greater than the odds of dying.
The unfortunate truth is that the most vulnerable, including your parents or grandparents are at the highest risk of dying, and you could be the carrier, long after governments and states have declared that life is back to normal and everything is safe again. Truth is that despite the few months and more than 2 million infection rates, scientists and researchers are still continuing to learn more each day about the virus. It might mean that the virus can live on inside people without them knowing. It might mean the virus could mutate into multiple strains of itself making the discovery of vaccine far more difficult.
While we do need to get back to working, learning, spending, creating, consuming,etc., we need to take precautions and teach people how to survive in a world where social distancing may become the norm for the next decade and you may need to cover your face at all times, as well as provide a web app on your phone with a temperature check to let your government authorities know you’re okay. It is completely totalitarian and 1984 and definitely involves handing over even more private information, at the expense of our health and safety.
The issue with having to do this, unfortunately, is how we got here in the first place: the lack of concern for health and safety is the very reason why in the next decade, funding is likely to go for it. As I have probably posed the question on here in another confession somewhere, COVID-19 or the CCP virus cannot consume our mentality for the next decade. We do need to get back to work and school and in society in general. However, we do need to realize that countries, and in our pursuit of visiting other planets, we may be exposed to viruses that could wipe the human race out completely, and without there ever being a chance for a cure.
Schools may now be taught online through classes, but it is unlikely to replace traditional schooling. While the teachers may be doing their jobs, parents are likely to still be very overwhelmed from the home schooling. There may be new online schools that will arise from this where you can obtain all of your schooling online, though it is highly recommended not to take this route, as your child still needs to be immersed back into society and learn social skills.
Public Transportation and Public Stores
From Uber to Lyft to taxis to public buses, vans, and bicycles: until we are 100% certain that the virus has been eradicated, it may be that life will be shutting things down at midnight and cleaning everything overnight. The economy can be stimulated with new cleaning crews, as there will be a demand for cleaners. Many people may do others the favor and keep masks on, but just search a YouTube video to see how fast germs can spread amongst populations.
If you do need a reminder of what COVID-19 actually looks like within an active population, check out this unique isolation simulation tool.
Food stores, restaurants, and other public places would likely need to be cleaned more daily, with staff wiping things down every hour to every other hour and ensuring that customers may still be practicing some social distancing. Measures could easily create the social distancing in stores, such as what stores have done during the pandemic, placing tape down every 6 feet across the entire store to help shoppers identify how far apart 6 feet is to ensure proper social distancing.
While this will not be a forever-in-place motion, it will likely feel like forever, as it will need to be in place for up to a year after we are all integrated back into our normal and daily routines. Social distancing, wearing masks, and continuing to wash hands, as well as wipe things down, both at home, at work, and in your place of employment will surely help eradicate the virus.
It is unlikely to be gone once we let children back into schools. Children are the least affected and corona virus may be able to re-infect populations that have never had it before, which is still being done in research, and I make no claims that it has been done or proven, but several articles have shown that people can be re-infected. However, the media is all over the place in which animals and pets are becoming infected, and people who have never even left their homes. Some media have gone even as far to “fake” or “upplay” COVID-19 for dramatic effect.
From scams to fake news to phishing and exploiting that $1200 “stimulus check” that the government never gave you, but gave it to corporations instead, but now has to “create more fake money” in order to ensure the system doesn’t crash. Even if the people do not survive, the corporations will. Give it a minute, you’ll get that joke soon enough.
Factories, Workers, and Populations
Aside from children spreading the virus in school and bringing it back home, where it just gets spread back into the workplace, and into the general population, the entire world runs on factory workers who tend to machines that produce a lot of goods, from food to diapers to cars to furniture, and basically everything you have in your life right now was likely produced or touched by a factory worker.
Factory workers are just as human as you and me and may number in the hundreds to thousands when it comes to a warehouse that is constantly filling in orders and meeting supply and demand. These workers will not only need to be provided by their companies with the proper safety gear, but they also will be required to wear them, as coughing, touching a box, wiping a nose, or anything like that could likely spread the virus easily again.
Fortunately, this too, like social and public gatherings will need to be socially distanced, filtered, and guidelines will need to be in place until the moment where the last case of COVID-19 leaves this Earth as fast as the day it came.
As for restaurant and retail workers? Despite having a face mask on, it could be itchy, cause rashes, and generally could be very uncomfortable if worn for long periods of time. However, it should not be expected for any employees to wear masks, though some will opt to certainly do so to protect themselves and their own families, as well as others.
Science, Research, Religion, and Technology
There is no doubt that the United States has the largest military in the world. There is also nothing more important than the world needing to work together in pursuit of science, knowledge, and understanding of keeping life on our planet alive, not only for humans, but for all species. The world has become far too entertained with social media and things that could not be further from reality.
While I will always say that religion is always necessary for others, even those who don’t believe it to be necessary, it does help others to have faith in something, so we have been distracted away from truly connecting with nature and being. We are more focused on technology and our instant gratifications.
We need to be doing more research on how to keep humans alive and productive and less wasteful while contributing to humanity instead of spending trillions of dollars on figuring out how to get everyone to buy so a few elites can profit with millions to billions of dollars.
I have written the Human Greed series which often goes viral from time to time, attracting an audience who connects with the message, and that message is simply this: Human Greed will kill us all. One or two humans can now make a decision that can wipe out most of the life on planet Earth. While it is okay to love money, want money, need money, and have extra money, it is not okay to hoard large amounts of money that go nowhere and waste resources without making sure that humanity can continue to sustain itself.
In order to survive, we are going to need greater leadership that is not corrupt by money or power, but is driven by real sustainability, backed by science and all matters of the universe that can help us figure out new ways to live that are not killing us. We need to understand our own actions on this Earth that have driven us into this very moment.
The Blame Game
There will be a lot of fingers pointing at China, the World Health Organization, and Trump. They are all responsible. So is Congress. So our are governments. So is everything that has happened. While we all want to play the blame game, the truth is: every single person who is an adult and capable of making decisions that affect other people’s lives is at fault. We did this to ourselves. We allowed this all to happen. This all started as a trust in each other: a global economy that worked. Unfortunately, where greedy people were involved, they had their own best interests at heart, and everyone got rich, always at taxpayer expense.
We ought to fire Congress for all they have done on taxpayer time. Deals need to be made and extra money from corporations influences them to be driven towards a specific law or action that needs to happen and go unchecked for a while, usually. There are certainly many good things that happen in Congress and laws are made each day that help the average American or even governments around the world.
The truth is: there is no single country, government, or person to blame. The reality is that a virus can happen at any moment. All species on Earth are constantly threatened, but we evolved, not to blame others, but to figure out how to make life continue working for ourselves. The important thing the world can do right now is to ensure that China understands that while they may not want to take responsibility for what happened, they will have to face some consequences for not being as transparent as they could have been, allowing more of the international community of scientists and researchers to go into their country and work with them to establish we survive this.
And I am not here to sugarcoat it: between American policies and China policies, the virus was likely an inevitable event that would have eventually happened, as pointed out by Bill Gates that we are not ready for the next pandemic, and he gave this speech back in 2015. We had 5 years to prepare for an unseen enemy, but since we couldn’t see it, as humans do: like our saving planet Erth, we put this threat aside and figured it would go away on its own. Unfortunately, it is now the entire world’s problem, especially the United States and China.
Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, PTSD, and The Inner Demons
There is no doubt that we are all globally traumatized by the experience. Divorces are inevitably going to happen. Families are further apart. Yet, families were also brought even closer together. Some husbands and wives may have turned abusive, spouses realizing they do not love each other, and well, your kids, yeah, you’re stuck with them kids. I can’t take them for you, sorry.
Never will a moment like this happen again to this magnitude. We will likely learn how to social distance and lock down towns, cities, or states for weeks at a time to get everything under control and just have blocks or chunks of areas not doing any work. It would allow for tax revenues to continue and people to get back to work.
Unfortunately, the COVID-19 virus has taken its toll on humanity. Remember just a year ago when it all started with a snap? It is literally the same exact emotional traumatic experience we are all going through. Fortunately, despite needing it, but that is for another confession, instead of three and a half billion people being wiped out from existence, only about a half a million to a few million people are actually going to die.
Honestly, if China suffered greater losses, which they probably did and are not reporting, a million people lost out of 1.5 billion, while the loss may be felt, the risk of “global economic domination” might have been worth it. However, this is completely and purely speculation, and it must be proven without a doubt that China mistakenly could not contain a virus.
If you are affected, I sincerely apologize for your loss. I was personally affected and lost a aunt-grandmother-by-marriage. She was 92 and with Alzheimer’s Disease. While it is very upsetting, I am happy to see her depart from this Earth from something of this Earth rather than any physical harm or damage caused by another human being. It is upsetting and painful, and all we have time to do is currently mourn our dead loved ones, but if you are not personally affected by COVID-19 in regards to loss of life, then this could be a vacation for you, especially if you are self-employed and still pulling in an income, or you did not get laid off from your job.
We will all have to face a new reality that we are just happy to be out and about and seeing each other again. No one no Earth, save for the children born during this time, will be known as the “corona children” and in about a hundred years from now, when there is another pandemic, as there often is at least one or two every century, they will be brought up and known as the children who survived the pandemic. There is nothing we can do except accept what has happened, move on, and just keep living, because that is what humans have always done and will continue to do.
With that said, I completely advocate for the legality or decriminalization of all drugs, with regulations for the more dangerous extremely addictive ones, of course. But cannabis has certainly gotten me through all this and continues to be my medicine and blanket that keeps me calm, collective, creative, and busy. It will not only jumpstart the economy, but allow us to stop viewing people who need drugs to escape reality as criminals and start seeing them as people who are just looking for help or even to be allowed to enjoy their addictions. Whether it is food, smoking, drinking, or anything else.
The Government
Money was delayed from getting to hardworking Americans who needed it most. Within this package was not a very generous $1,200 payout, which most of us have not yet and are still waiting to receive. This $1,200 check barely covered any of our rent, let alone the food and other things we bought that we wouldn’t have otherwise bought, brought upon by the lack of information and the sense of urgency to go into complete quarantine, without knowing any information on how long. Of course people from all over the world would fear for their lives and stock up on whtever the can buy.
Why not stop companies from charging? Why not tell mortgage companies and landlords that during this time they cannot charge people. Companies in which we are unable to use the utilities, such as our cars, we should be imbursed for at least 75% of our money since it’s like that we are driving less than 25% of the month. There are many things the government has shown us what they can do with the fake money they print that will someday be paid back, but probably not, long after you and I and our great great great grandchildren are dead.
For the most part, however, you can apply for forebearance on student loans, mortgages, credit cards, rent, etc., and you should be able to get obtain three months and can apply for extensions. The economy is somewhat broken but since a majority of our world is digital and began going digital over a decade ago, with the increase of speed in Internet to the technology of websites and social media, most everything has been moved online. The businesses that suffered the most are not online.
The government is supposed to be only for the people, protecting its people, the very thing that keeps it alive. So in times of danger and need, the government is there for us, as we are there for our government. While not perfect, our world is still operating and society and life as we know it has not come to an end nor will it end. Human society will keep going, but it just may take a few years to fully recover back to a relatively normal period, but by then, we won’t even remember what normal was.
Speaking of which, the government may require vaccinations of everyone, regardless of their beliefs.
Politics of the Republican and Democrat Parties
This section is strictly political and may contain my views, which are often more objective than subjective. This article does not reflect the opionions, views, or ideas of Confessions of the Professions. You have been warned.
Politics is not science. Yes, there is political science which involves the study of science and politics. However, when it comes to scientific information and politics: the professional who went to graduate school, spent years paying their hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans back are probably the ones who should be giving the public advice and information about what to do and how to stay safe.
Republicans and Democrats seem very out of touch with reality when they spent a week planning a bill, and while there was immediate “thoughts” of the American taxpayer, $1200 sure fell short of rent for most people, didn’t it? Sure it helped many of those who are not suffering while it may have helped those who were suffering, but for some, it may have only went towards paying off a bill. The immediate thought should have been about $1500 – $2000 a month until the public is deemed safe in social settings from COVID-19.
The fact that so many politicians, including the President, feel so inclined to give medical advice they are not qualified to give has been unprecendented and everyone who declared themselves as medical professionals during this time should be encouraged to acknowledge that their information was done with the best intentions of the people, but still should have been consulted with a medical phyiscian. It is as if we stopped trusting doctors and medical research scientists from around the world who work with ill patients and viruses every day of their lives.
When it comes to the Democrats or Republicans, who are largely focused on figuring out what to do at home rather than overseas, they still do also need to be talking about what do about China. As we wait from a potential candidate-elect to the many Democratic Congress members who don’t mind sharing their words, they often hardly ever want to mention actions against China. This is not to say that we should punish, but seek to work with them and understand what happened, how to prevent it, what needs to happen next, and of course, if China refuses that, well, the world needs to be on board with that type of repercussion.
When it comes to the Demorats, Republicans, Nancy Pelosi, and Donald Trump, the relationship seems all too perfect. It is not the fact that the Americans who vote for Donald Trump want him to be President. They are simply tired of Congress running its show like a circus, to which the American taxpayer happily gives them the clown they need and deserve. Besides, who knew that this relationship would be so perfect?
From the first time they met to the moment right up before the impeachment, those two were meant to work together for nearly a decade. Not telling you who to vote for come November 2020, but either way, we’re not only going to be gaslighted and made to think that someone is a hero and someone is not. Up to you on whether you want to keep watching this beautiful friendship that is going to last for the rest of both their lives.
Four more years of this? Look at how happy they both are!
The Election Year
This section is strictly political and may contain my views, which are often more objective than subjective. This article does not reflect the opionions, views, or ideas of Confessions of the Professions. You have been warned.
The fact that Republicans are quite happy with Donald Trump and Democrats are completely unhappy with Donald Trump, but refuse and fail to put up an adversary who needs to understand a completely new method of defeating Trump. Going out there and saying you are ready for the fight and going out there and actually fighting a man who loves the spotlight and could literally stand in front of the camera for 2 or 3 hours and talk about himself should tell you enough about what any component is up against.
Unfortunately, the media has gotten so involved with politics and with the mixture of Donald Trump, it has made the entire American politican system a joke, a media reality teleivision show that can be watched nearly 24 hours a day. Whether it is because Donald Trump told someone to drink bleach or Nancy Pelosi showing off her overpriced ice cream that someone delivered for her so she wouldn’t have to go out and expose herself to the virus, the media is and must be involved in our politics, but the media has become far more subjective than objective which makes it far more entertaining than if it were solely objective, as it used to be. Cut and dry. Black and white. Clear as day. Global politics has evolved beyond that point and will never return.
The fact that all of this happened during an election year without Democrats putting their glorious overlord, Mr. Joe Biden in front of everyone hundreds of times a day, as they sit in front of their televisions means they likely are not going to stand too much of a chance but we can only hope he gives Trump a run for his money. If anything, just like always, we’ll be on our catches like this:
We could list the dozens of things Donald Trump the Democrats accused him of that he was either guilty or not guilty of, yet we could also point out personally just how much good and bad Donald Trump has done. While we want to believe that he is all bad, trust me, you do have to look at some of the good things has actually done, if you haven’t already. Unfortunately, politics involves a constant give and take of negotiations, and for most of you to think that Trump doesn’t stand a chance are as dillusional as you were in support of Hilary Clinton during 2016. Had Congress done their job for the past 20 years, from the time Bill Clinton was in office until Hilary Clinton ran, history could have been a lot different.
As I’ve told the story before, I believe Trump being the golfer he is likely made a deal about running and winning President while on the golf course. If Trump won, he would expose everything that Clintons have done, and their fingerprints are all over Congress, although they have been purposely left out of the news and seems to have taken a sabatical from politics for the time being. If Trump lost, well, giving Bill Clinton a golf course wouldn’t cost Trump a damn thing, except maybe a golf course.
Whatever this is and wherever it is going, your vote is going to matter. Even not voting will matter. If you feel that Joe Biden should be President, then by all means, ensure you know why you voted for him and your exact reasons because you will be questions about Joe’s behavior. And while we can certainly say, “Oh, that’s just how Trump is.” What you see is actually what you get with Trump. He’s lying. We know it. He’s bullshitting. We know it. He has to actually be for real and serious. We do know it.
While Trump was largely exposed for his “pussy locker room”, Joe Biden, who has been in a professional in the public office for years really has no excuse against Donald Trump, who has been not only in the business industry for the past 40 years, but the entertainment industry for over 20 years. He kind of has an excuse, as an entertainer, though his behvior is far from excused or forgiven, but it only seems to make the traditional government supporters mad, while accepting that Joe Biden does not have to worry about his behavior at all, and in fact, endorsing him for it.
Joe Biden supposedly has the experience, but after four years of not being in office, it seems he hardly remembers why he’s even there sometimes. This is not to say he won’t do a good job, but looking at the energy of Trump as someone who is fighting for his spot. The other side must fight for it as well. This isn’t just an easy battle where someone is entitled to the position of the leader of United States of America. This is a tough time because whoever becomes the President will now control the world post-COVID-19.
And while we look at a devastated country and look to put some blame to Trump, maybe all of it, and allow that to count our vote towards the other guy because of the current actions of this guy as President, then we also must ask exactly why China did what they did, what led up to it, who allowed it all to happen, and you will definitely find Trump is responsible for ending some really good trade deals that benefitted China more than the United States. But what else might you find?
The worst thing anyone can ever do is judge why President Trump did something. The more concerning and immediate question for any action a President takes should be: Why are you doing this particular action and how does it benefit Americans? If anything is clear, however, the American political system still has to figure out how to put a debate with Donald Trump vs. Joseph Biden together.
COVID-19 Gaslighting And The Modern World Aftermath
The actions of the few affect the actions of the many. Human greed is the cause for millions of lives lost. The Earth will be fine and all the animals, except your cats and dogs and birds will be just fine. Your pets will be fine for a while because they will revert back into beast mode, and while they don’t really understand, they will begin to see the corpse sitting in front of them as food, and they will eat you. Just saying. At least, your pet will be okay for a while.
Fortunately, you and most people you know will survive and have probably survived this. The world will turn back to normal as it always does. The stock market will get back to booming again. People will go out again and businesses will flourish. This is what makes us human and it is inevitable that we go and live our lives outside again, as we always have done and for as long as possible, always will.
We must make changes to our world. COVID-19 has distracted many people who are now going to be more concerned with looking for jobs and making money, thus further distracting them, forcing them to accept any job at any pay, likely the average wage, and of course, allowing those who are rich to get richer, and those with money to make more money. Unfortunately, most people, even though they had a lot of time sitting in their homes to do their own research and understand what is really going on in the world, probably didn’t do that, and will likely go back to allowing and accepting things as they always have been.
Many companies will lull you back into thinking you are returning to the “new normal” where you have to wear facial masks and pretend that life hasn’t changed for the worse and that everything is “eventually going to go back to the way it was.” Yes, in a way, it definitely will, only slightly different, at least for now. We are living the equivalent to a silent H bomb, in which a bunch of war planes dropped off an invisible enemy on the world. Of course, you will go back to living as normally as you should.
However, like the Matrix, when the system gets too out of balance, it must crash, and people like those within the death toll stats of COVID-19, become collatoral damage, you can only pretend this is the way your world should be and everything is okay and right in the world when clearly, it is not. Unfortunately, the actions of Congress and China many years ago are what brought you into this mess. Don’t worry. You can’t really be mad at Congress.
You, as an American. In fact, no matter where you live in the world, you benefitted insanely from Chinese production. Because of China and the billions of eligible workers they can put to work, the labor force is quite easy for them, but the pollution created from it will have its effects, which kills the people. Most people are far from the woke reality of envising the reality that we are still a planet of people located in countries we call nations around the world all wanting and needing things for ourselves, our offspring, our families, etc. With supply and demand puts people in certain areas at work. That is how the planet works. Someday humans will learn to build self-sustaining Earth-like orbital ships, but I get way too ahead of humanity.
United States and China Relations
Once you can get passed the “light” American censors that you might not realize are placed on you through your televison and YouTube or other news sources, as they can be very casual – or direct and you know, but if you are daring, you will be able to find news that is more objective, which is better news. For example, watch news outside of your country and understand how they see it. If they can understand the politics of America, they must see and realize something they understand. The world has caught up with you. The politics of the world has caught up with you. Everything great in your life was because of China. China is not the enemy in this at all, nor was it ever the enemy.
You should not go out and beat up Chinese people. You should not go destroy Chinese shops. In fact, you should go out and buy some Chinese food right now. Support your local community and anyone who is Chinese within it. Don’t worry. They aren’t sending off money to their government. I mean, they are, but we all are, so it’s really okay. Continue buying from China and continue supporting China. What we all must realize now and understand in this relationship, not to get religious or tell you to forgive and forget, but rather, come to an understanding and compromise. China should own up to what they have done, and they will need to pay some type of reparations to all countries.
Too many investigations or lack thereof have led us to realize that the China government can still be dangerous, but this does not mean nor should it mean that we must carry on a global war. This is the time where global efforts need to be seriously made to bring all countries back to compromise and understanding. The EU, the WHO, and all other organizations have become corrupt, and I won’t tell why, but if you do some research, you can figure it out yourself. Unfortunately, we cannot just cut China off from the rest of the world.
We cannot just withdraw all support from all countries and become Xenophobic again. Once we unleased this beast of globality, it was never meant to be undone and can never be undone again. For example, once we start setting off our exploration into space, our chances of discovering life become greater, and once we discover life, we can never undiscover it again.
America and Chinese relations must continue in order to save the global economy. America cannot do it alone and China cannot do it alone. The global economy will suffer magnitudes, if both countries were to consider blocking each other from their stock markets and exchanges. Therefore, this is not a pointing of fingers or blaming China to the point where we must become childlike and abandon China. Instead, we must face our new reality of what China is capable of, and speak with them, and this goes for all countries.
The United States will lose its police force and global holdings around the world if it withdraws support from China. So as an American, know that the entire world was affected by the CCP virus, a supposed accident that occurred in China. The whole world is blaming China and is upset with China. However, while the reation of the world may be to completely isolate China, it is in our best international interests, especially knowing that China is capable of releasing deadly viruses, to draw up a pact that will no longer allow China the free reign of not being sanctioned by all countries to watch over the science and research divisions. It is in the entire world’s best interests to form a global community, which already does technically exist (I won’t tell you it, you can look it up).
We must continue to look at our relations, not only with China, but all countries to understand that the human race can be wiped out at any moment. With our destruction of the planet, destroying the remaining oxygen it is supplying for us, we will ultimately kill ourselves off, and while it may take a hundred years. It may be a horrifying reality that this was the planet you left for the children you had. So a world withou COVID-19 is a world where you can’t see the reality of your own actions.
Final Thoughts On COVID-19 World Aftermath
The world gave you time to sit and think about what you did. It gave our leaders time to sit and think about their people. It gave us time to spend time with your families. Did our governments act accordingly? Did they do the right thing? To give plants and animals who are the true owners of the planet a chance to experience what life is like without humans. There are plenty of documentaries featuring what life would be like without humans, and you know what life is like without humans? Life could have never been better. We are here, but a moment, and then we are gone. What we do with our moment in time is up to us.
Once we are gone, our time is done. There will be more and there will be other species who will soon inhabit the planet. Look up all of the homo species that went extinct and you will realize just how many species before us were on this planet. It is the time of the homo sapien to reign for now, and then it can be time for others to reign too. The Earth is patient. The Earth has nothing better to do but float around the sun in time. To the Earth, there is no time, there only is being. To the sun, there no time, there is only being. To the human being, there is both time and being. That is what makes you the most unique thing the universe has ever created, and in a universe where trillions of possibilities can happen, every form of life that has ever existed, faded into oblivion, and will never be again… was not only a miracle, but the most unique thing that happened ever in the history of the universe.
The human existence. Your existence. While in quarantine, take a look at your Facebook Friends list, Instagram Friends List, and all other social media. How many of your friends are dead? The list continues to grow and eventually, you will just be on the list as well, a memory, faded in history, immortalized in the digital world, until Facebook too, fades into oblivion, as everything always does because that is life on Earth. An indifferent planet that doesn’t care who lives or dies on it, only that it serves a purpose: to give life to those who give it life.
What are you going to do about your future? Your children’s future? The future of your planet? This is not something that just happened overnight. It was a buildup that can be traced back through media history, through law history, through international-relations history, and everything else. As for the virus itself: no one is to blame and should techncially not be held responsible. What should happen is figuring out a way to get governments and their leaders to stop trying to profit off everyone and do some real work to actually save the human race and all of the species on this planet from dying.
As of 2020, the world has taught us: we cannot trust our governments to save us in the most dire need of times. We can barely find the proper advice and guidelines to follow. Fortunately, by using some common sense and evaluating a situaton that is not a direct attack, we can certainly have better means to fight the virus and better prepare for next time. Please do not inject or take any drugs that you have never put into your system before without consulting a doctor.
The reality as of 2020 is that all governments need to change. They are not supposed to be profiting. They are supposed to be for the people, by the people, to help the people. Taxes for roads. Taxes for health. Taxes for productivity. Governments need to regulate companies and tax them properly along with its citizens too. If everyone pays their dues and works together, that is the only way the true system can work.
Unfortunately, trusting a world economy like that is dangerous and as you can see now, the economy is not all broken because we still use our own forms of currency and still have to live in our own areas and accept things as authentic forms of currency exchange. The government should have its own company or be an entity in itself, such as the military, that works on coming up with ways for us, not to kill each other, but to actually survive and figure out where the future of the human race is actually going.
Until the world can truly work together and has a desire not to kill each other over to get the most resources, we only stand a chance to survive just a few more millenia. I do not have children and likely will not be having them. My time has come and gone, I saw her, I married the other, I loved both… and now that time is done. Who knows though. Most people do say love always keeps finding ways to creep in. Just wish it was more obvious and did not hurt so much. Thanks for reading my huge ass rant on.. *navigates back to the top* “imagining a world without COVID-19“.
Yeah, it will be scary how quickly people will forget what it was like to be in quarantine… once life returns back to normal. But imagining a world where it was our reality, is like asking those people born a hundred years from now or so to imagine what the human race went through during COVID-19.
Hopefully a vaccine will be available within the next year, but considering that there are no cures for the other viruses that were just as dangerous, and only treatments that could make the suffering less, and hopefully give people some ability to survive with the help of technology for breathing aparatuses and other things. It will likely happen and it needed to happen, as desperate times and desperate situations cause us to come up with desperate solution. A type of vaccine may or may not be found, otherwise, we will continue to live with all corona viruses, and practicing social distancing measures will be commonplace.
Life goes on and will continue as normal, whether we have to live with safety precautions for the rest of our lives or not, but the homo sapien (you) is a pretty versatile species and while the deaths may scare you: your species has survived for about half a billion years. The homo sapien has ancestors and other similar homo species that evolved with it, and as is always the case: competition of resources, mating with women, survival of the fittest, fastest, most versatile, and the ones who could spread the population faster than its counterpart. If you don’t survive, your species will. Don’t worry about it.
There is literally a ton more I could write and I am sure I will cover additional topics within the COVID-19 pandemic that is responsible for shutting down the Earth, infecting more than 6 million people and killing more than 1 million people. Fortunately, it sounds like a lot of people. It sounds scary and it sounds painful. This is called the Media Bias effect. Is COVID-19 dangerous? Absolutely. Is COVID-19 deadly? Across the board, save for the elderly.
Put another way, if you stood in a football stadium that was filled to capacity, which usually holds 500,000 people, then COVID-19 would spread amongst them, and if that population was left alone, about 80 – 90% of them would likely become infected, and while some are recovering or have recovered, and walking about, they actually lessen the exposure of the virus for those who have never had it, if the virus cannot re-infect people, which means that COVID-19 will only kill about 10,000 people. Yes, if you knew that many people, that would be a lot of people. But you definitely have a better chance of winning a $1 – $10 ticket from the lottery at the gas station than actually dying due to COVID-19 in a football stadium.
Maybe you’ll be the lucky one and die from COVID-19. Maybe you won’t. Why do I say lucky? If you live, you live. If you die… well… I don’t know you personally reader. I am sure you have had a good life and you made a difference in the world. I whole-heartedly respect you as a human being and thank you for reading. I appreciate you very much and I hope you’ve enjoyed my website and the life you got to live.
But once it is all done… and you finally get to rest and be gone for good, well… aside from possible re-incarnation, you might be dead forever, or in other words: you just went to sleep and never woke up. Is that so bad? Uncle Sam can’t bother you. You don’t have to work. You don’t have a life anymore, but at least you did get to have one. I hope you made it worth something.
Until then… stay safe in quarantine!
And by the way, this confession was intentionally long. If you made it this far, congratulations. I have been personally trying to write up and “documentation” of my own experiences during COVID-19. As soon as COVID-19 is gone, it will be forgotten, but all of the fears and irrationalities it caused in human society have created laws that, unfortuntely, yet again, have likely taken away even more freedom. Then again, the freedom of choices designed to make you go into debt and work for your money to pay taxes for the system is the design. When all is said and done, regardless of where you are at, working or at home, you still only have the illusion of freedom.