Sarah Pfledderer 1m 203 #worldbackupday
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Whether you’re a teen glued to your phone or an adult unavoidably plopped in front of a computer during the workday, there’s one universal truth about our digital-first lives: We store a lot of information on our devices and online.
So, what happens if one day those devices just disappear? Or what if they simply expire, as technology does overtime? Worse yet, what happens if a cybercriminal infiltrates them? All of these incidents can result in a data loss. And your first line of defense to redeeming your data is a data backup.
There’s even a day committed to how imperative a data backup is: World Backup Day, celebrated on March 31. To borrow the crusade’s tagline, “don’t be an April fool,” and consider always backing up your data — whether that’s on March 31, after, or before.
To help put your data backup strategy in place, Norton compiled several facts and figure to get you fired up about protecting your treasured files, plus backup solutions to consider and tips to get you data backup strategy underway and stick to it. Review them all in the infographic below. And remember, in the unfortunate event of a data loss, it’s a data backup that has your back.