Paulina Gibson 2m 550 #able2extract11
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Review of Able2Extract Professional 11

There comes a time when one needs to say goodbye to wasting time on boring tasks. This is especially true in the case of PDF conversion and editing, which is something we come face to face pretty often.
Truth be told, there is nothing more boring than having to spend time and money on finding the right product that can help you with your PDF work. Thankfully, there are companies, like, that have struck a nice balance between a high quality product that does the job and an optimal pricing.
Today, we are exploring their soon-to-be only PDF solution — Able2Extract Professional 11.
You’re probably familiar with Able2Extract already, as it is a PDF product that’s been on the market since 2000. Sixteen years and more than a quarter of a million users later, Investintech has decided to up the ante and produce their best product yet.
Able2Extract Professional 11 is still in beta, but the Investintech’s development team has been kind enough to give us a quick sneak peek into their latest set of features. Here is what we saw.
1) PDF conversion
With Able2Extract Pro 11, you will be able to convert PDF to a wide range of editable file formats. Most notably, PDF to Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Image and AutoCad. This version is continuing with their flagship conversion — the PDF to Excel.
Users will have to chance to choose between Automatic and Custom PDF to Excel conversion. The main difference between the two is that the custom PDF to Excel feature lets you visually control the entire conversion process, from row and column structure to headers and footers.
2) PDF editing
Even though the version 10 did wonders in the PDF editing realm, the version 11 is simply incomparable. Not only can you edit text, numbers and remove content elements, but now you can also add images, apply color customization to both text and images and split and merge PDF documents in just 2 clicks. Simply said, a complete PDF editing interface.
3) PDF annotation
PDF annotation is one of the brand new features, that we will have a chance to see in version 11. You can annotate PDF using more than 12 popular annotation methods, including link, sticky note, comment, stamp, highlight and more.
4) Upgraded PDF security
Able2Extract Pro 11 will also allow you to easily encrypt and decrypt PDF documents. Apply password protection, specify your user name and fully control who gets to see and open your documents. This is useful when you’re sharing confidential information — just attach the PDF and send the recipient his unique password.
5) Redaction feature
Another brand new feature in this latest version is the redaction feature. This will permanently blacken out sensitive information from your legal or financial documents and, therefore, allow you to securely repurpose (or hide) whatever it is that you would like to hide.
Needless to say, there are much more features hidden inside the software itself. All of that, you will have a chance to find out on December 5th, when the company plans to officially release this PDF productivity software, that you will be able to download for free through this link.