Matthew Gates 1m 369 #book
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Challenge of the Week: Read A Book
Get Lost in a Book!
You may already be an avid reader who gets through a book a week, a few books a week, or at least a book a month. You may even belong to a book club, in which you get together with a group of people and discuss the topics and issues of the book you all read. You may have your favorite books, your favorite genres, whether they are fantasy, romance, horror, suspense, mystery, help yourself, knowledge, facts, history, or anything else. You may also be the type of person who never seems to have any time to read but have wanted to start, or have been thinking about reading a book for a long time.
Reading is a wonderful thing to do and helps exercise your mind. You may think you have no time to read a book, but even just reading a few pages of a book per day, especially if it is a book you have been wanting to read for a long time, a few pages per day is good enough to get you through the book after a few weeks or a few months. You will feel good about having read a book, been entertained, and reading before bed may even help you to sleep better.
I admit that I am guilty of not reading as much as I want or should, though I am always researching or reading articles on the latest trends of technology, especially in web design and development, as that is my profession and I must always keep up with the latest techniques. I certainly would love to read more books though!
Choose your book to read this week and begin. If you can only read one or two pages per day, than it is better than not reading at all. If you want to re-read a book you have read in the past, it is a great idea to do that too, as your perspective may have changed, and you may find new adventure, entertainment, or lessons to be learned that you never realized before.
Let us know in the comments what book you are reading this week!