Matt Zajechowski 1m 234 #covid19
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
46% of Americans willing to receive COVID-19 vaccine when available

With several promising COVID-19 vaccines on the horizon including Moderna and Pfizer, many Americans will soon be faced with the decision of whether or not to get vaccinated.
Harmony Healthcare IT recently surveyed 2,000 Americans from across the country to try and gauge what percentage of Americans would be willing to receive a COVID-19 vaccination.
Here’s what they found:
- Only 46% of Americans say they would receive a COVID-19 vaccination as soon as it was made available.
- 40% said they would get the vaccine, but prefer to see how effective and safe it is before receiving it. Only 14% said they would not get the vaccine.
- Top reasons against getting vaccinated: 1. Side effects 2. Safety and effectiveness 3. I won’t need a vaccination 4. Don’t believe in vaccinations 5. Cost concerns.
- 55% of Americans believe the government should require everyone to get vaccinated although 70% would not receive a vaccine if it isn’t approved by the FDA first.
- 53% believe they will be able to be vaccinated within a year.
- Once vaccinated, a quarter of respondents feel that it will still take between 1-to-2 years before a return to normalcy while 24% believe it will happen sooner (6 months to a year).
Take a look at the full report and let me know if this is something you can use for a story?