Anica Oaks 2m 456 #foodservice
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.

Whether it is in the most elegant of restaurants or your local fast-food joint, food service workers put in long hours and plenty of hard work to give customers excellent meals day after day. Unfortunately, many workers such as yourself may have been injured while on the job. Though most people don’t think of food service jobs as being dangerous, the fact is they come with many hazards that can lead to serious injuries. Should you want to know how such injuries can be prevented, here are a few ways to keep the workplace safe.
Proper Training
Time after time, food service workers are burned, suffer severe lacerations, slip and fall, or sustain serious eye injuries due to not having received proper training on how to use equipment, cleaning supplies, or other items. Therefore, prior to doing whatever task you have been assigned in your food service job, always insist you be properly trained by your supervisor.
Replace Outdated Equipment
If the restaurant where you work has equipment that is old and outdated, this is an accident waiting to happen. Should you suffer a serious injury from using equipment your employer knew was past its prime, consult a personal injury lawyer about receiving compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages. In doing so, your lawyer can examine the details of your case, look over evidence and interview witnesses, lay out various options for your case, and attempt to negotiate an out-of-court settlement with your employer and their insurance company.
On-Site First Aid Station
When an accident happens on the job at a restaurant, having an on-site first aid station nearby can make a major difference. From being able to bandage a cut to stabilizing an employee who falls and suffers a broken bone, knowing what to do until rescue personnel can arrive may allow a minor injury to stay minor.
Proper Scheduling
Since most restaurants are usually very busy, scheduling of employees is something that is often overlooked in terms of hours and other factors. As a result, it is not uncommon for food service workers like yourself to put in very long shifts that have few breaks. When this happens, you become very tired and much more prone to having an accident at work. By emphasizing proper scheduling and being fully-staffed so that workers can take breaks, you and others can stay much safer.
While you may love your job, you don’t love the prospect of being severely injured while at work. By making sure your employer does the right thing regarding scheduling, training, and much more, you can have peace of mind while on the job.