Brooke Chaplan 2m 583
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.

In today’s competitive real estate market, both buying and selling a home require top-notch tools. If you’re a realtor and you want to get buyers and sellers to notice you, one of the best ways to gain attention is to build a solid website. In fact, if you don’t take the time to perfect your website, you can be sure that other realtors will be waiting to reach out to the potential clients that you fail to engage. Here are a few ways that a solid website can help you get a leg up on the competition.
Provide a Search Engine Presence
When individuals are looking for a realtor, they’ll likely use one of two resources: a search engine or referrals from friends and family. Therefore, if you’re not visible on search engines, you’ll have a much harder time attracting business. With a solid website in place, your rankings on popular search engines will quickly start to rise so that more and more buyers and sellers can discover your talents.
Showcase Your Inventory
As a realtor, your most important asset is the houses that you’re currently selling. Although buyers can find these houses on various real estate websites, it’s even better if they can see your entire inventory in one place. Working with professionals like iHomefinder, Inc., you can opt to showcase larger pictures or offer enhanced details on your properties so that buyers will be more likely to schedule an open house. Creating a clear and concise website is one of the best ways to attract potential clients. Your real estate website should be able to be used as a tool for both you and your clients.
Create Interest
As a realtor, you’re unique from every other realtor. However, it’s hard to showcase those unique attributes when you’re only advertising on a generic real estate website. With your own website, though, you can show buyers what makes you stand out so that they’re more likely to choose you or someone in your real estate group for their real estate needs. Plus, you can advertise special events like cookouts and movie nights to help build goodwill in your community.
Establish Legitimacy
Buying a house is a major financial commitment. When dealing with that kind of money, people want to know that the person they’re working with is legitimate. Having a well-built website goes a long way toward establishing that legitimacy. If you can hand someone your card with a unique URL for a personalized website, it will show interested parties that you mean business and that they can trust you.
Stay in Your Comfort Zone
Upon hearing about the benefits of having their own website, many realtors rush to try and build one themself. However, choosing this route could have negative consequences. Rather than trying to do something that you might not be comfortable or familiar with, it makes more sense to pay someone else to build your website for you. This will ensure that your website will be attractive, stable, and easy to use so that it can help increase your sales.
There are many reasons why it’s beneficial to set up a website if you are a realtor. These ideas are just a few of the many reasons why it’s important. Keep in mind that people are searching for things online way more than they used to so having an online presence is crucial.