Matthew Gates 2m 453
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The Internet’s 7 Shocking Trends
There are billions of people on this planet with many unique abilities. We often consider ourselves normal and others are different. Many people possess special talents, while others are intelligent, and others are just normal. Many people are bringing those talents to the Internet via YouTube and other websites. Websites, blogs, and videos are going viral overnight. People are becoming well known overnight. People are becoming famous overnight. The Internet is filled with wonders and ways to express ourself. The Internet is limitless and without end. It can virtually never run out of space. The Internet has unlimited potential. There is so much Internet and most people actually only surf less than 1% of it. To get an idea of how vast the Internet is, check out this Internet Map.
This infographic contains 7 interesting facts, stats, and trends of the Internet.
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There are billions of people on this planet with many unique abilities. We often consider ourselves normal and others are different. Many people possess special talents, while others are intelligent, and others are just normal. Many people are bringing those talents to the Internet via YouTube and other websites. Websites, blogs, and videos are going viral overnight. People are becoming well known overnight. People are becoming famous overnight. The Internet is filled with wonders and ways to express ourself. The Internet is limitless and without end. It can virtually never run out of space. The Internet has unlimited potential. There is so much Internet and most people actually only surf less than 1% of it. To get an idea of how vast the Internet is, check out this Internet Map.
This infographic contains some interesting facts, stats, and trends of the Internet.
7 Shocking Stats & Trends
China has more than double the Internet users of the USA.
564 M versus 244 M |
Chinese site Alibaba does more sales than Amazon and Ebay combined.
Facebook has 1.11 billion users.
This is 46% of all the people in the world on the Internet.
This is even more amazing because Facebook is banned in China.
Mobile phones and tablets are growing rapidly…
…and projected to overtake desktop computers in the number of people who browse the Internet in 2015.
Not shocking?
350M photos are uploaded on Facebook everyday.
Snapshot started 2 years ago and has 200 million per day, ready to overtake Facebook.
Google has photographed more than 5 million miles of roads for Google Maps Street View
That’s enough to go to the moon and back 10 times
It would take Hollywood 43,000 years to produce the same length of video content as is uploaded in one year on YouTube
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