Jennifer Chonilla 1m 229 #caretips
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
7 Self Care Tips From Incredibly Busy People
As professionals, it’s easy to forgo self care and put our jobs before ourselves, but many people don’t realize that can be detrimental to productivity.
It’s easy to think self care is not all that important and that there are other things we need to do first, but as we continue this kind of mindset, there is a tendency to burn out quickly. After all, how can we help those around us if we can’t fill our own cup first?
If we don’t have anything left to give, we can’t give our all at work. Plane and simple. Putting “you” first isn’t selfish, it’s smart.
To help you stay at your most productive, The Derm Review has created an excellent infographic that covers self-care tips from super busy people. It covers tips (and the science-backed reasons they are relevant to you and your team) from Richard Branson, Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama and Steve Jobs.
They inspire us to fill our own cups first, work on what we love, and create a positive and productive working environment so that we can be on our A-game, all the time. Follow these tips and implement them for your team and watch not only as your output hits an all-time high, but satisfaction and work-life balance increases as well!