Thomas 1m 233 #whatsapp
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Archiving Messages For Legalities
One of the worst things that could happen to a brand or company is the destruction of its reputation. And no matter how unfortunate it might be, a common example that could trigger such a scenario is being involved on a court case. Legal actions against companies have been known to be commonplace in the world of commerce.
When it comes in winning legal cases, one is required to present all of the necessary and strong evidence to the jury in order to prove innocence. In this age of modern technology, most of the viable evidence are usually found on the electronic form of communication. Though quite debatable at the moment, electronic communication services such as WhatsApp is now starting to gain popularity for its wide variety of usage which includes strengthening a party’s legal claim.
WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform tool for communication currently owned by the Facebook company. This application enables the sending of text messages, images, documents as well as voice and video calls.
There are currently a number of states in the United States today that consider the influence of electronic records like WhatsApp on court rulings which will always depend on its quality.
If you want to know more about the utilization of archiving WhatsApp Messages for trial and legal matters, take a look at the infographic below created and designed by TeleMessage: