Leury Pichardo https://homeremediesforlife.com 2m 600
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Natural Remedies For Sleep
Have you ever asked yourself if you’ve been getting enough sleep? Does sleeping come easy for you? We all know that for us to fully function and perform our daily tasks, our bodies need 8 hours of sleep every night. This number of hours is ideal if we want to stay healthy. How many of us can really say that we can sleep for that long? If you think about it, most of us do not get that much-needed rest.
The vast majority would even say that the difficult part for them is to fall asleep. We live our lives every day worrying and stressing out that it seems that sleep is the only escape. But what do we need to do if it eludes us? Some of us may result in taking medications so we can sleep like logs. But there are natural remedies that we can resort to and are proven effective to help us get the sleep that our body needs.
What I am about to show you is an infographic of unexpected natural remedies that will surely help you get those zzzz’s coming. These remedies are not only effective but are also inexpensive. Some of them may already be available in your home.
What are you waiting for? Read this infographic from HomeRemediesForLife.
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Ten Of The Most Unexpected Natural Remedies For Insomnia
8 hours of sleep has become a luxury too many people in this fast-paced world. The biggest problem is falling asleep when it’s time to, so we can wake up energized. But you don’t want to become dependent on sleep medication so check out these 10 natural remedies to help you get your sleep cycle back on track!
1. Stay away from the light!
Ensure that you start dimming the lights before you head to bed, lower the brightness on digital devices, so your brain knows it’s nighttime!
2. Melatonin
It’s a hormone that is already in your body and induces sleepiness. You can grab some melatonin supplements that won’t have you become dependent!
3. No to caffeine!
Keep in mind coffee after lunch can still affect you all the way up to the evening, remember that coffee is not the only beverage that contains caffeine!
4. Lavender
It helps to go as natural as possible; you want to be inhaling lavender and not chemicals that smell like it. Some dried lavender will do wonders to your bedtime!
5. Calcium and Magnesium
Milk may not be enough to make you sleepy! 600 mg of calcium in 200 mg of magnesium should do the trick, but if you get the tummy runs, lower than magnesium.
6. L-theanine
Green tea doesn’t quite have enough of this, so take a look at other products that have at least around 150 grams of L-theanine to boost the REM phase of your sleep cycle.
7. Chamomile tea
The properties of chamomile that make you sneeze are much more powerful than the tiny amount of caffeine in it. Drink one cup, thrice a day.
8. Exercise!
45 minutes of aerobics exercise daily will help your natural hormones to balance out and get you tired and slightly sore, which will knock you out at bedtime!
9. Bedtime bath
Taking a warm bath before you head off to bed will help relax your body and mind and freshen you up for a good night sleep.
10. Wild lettuce supplements
Not only is a great natural cure for anxiety and sore muscles, but it’s a relaxant, and it’ll help you fall asleep. 30 mg to 120 mg before bedtime works like a charm.
Home Remedies For Life