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Mobile Apps for Event Planners

Mobile applications are being used by event planners more than ever before. We all know how apps can make our lives so much easier. We are able to talk with people through texting, share images and videos and this is all done through the technology that is built into our smart phones.
More companies are developing applications that are specifically designed to help event planners coordinate every aspect of the events that they are managing. An event planner can maximize their time much more efficiently using these apps when planning their next event. They are able to communicate with staff and attendees instantly, sharing vital information with people that have the same applications. Here is a quick look at how and why event planners are using mobile applications today.
How Mobile Apps Help With Scheduling
In the past, when an event planner was trying to coordinate the timeline of events and to schedule both staff members and volunteers, it was very time-consuming and difficult. Using mobile apps, people are able to see the schedules that have been posted and can look at any changes that have occurred instantly.
It also allows an event planner to contact individual staff members with questions that they may have and also answer questions that may be asked by volunteers that are part of the event. In fact, event planning apps do so much more than simply help with scheduling. They are actually able to help promote any event, promising a good turnout.
Why Event Planners Use Mobile Apps When Promoting Events
Mobile apps can be used to promote the event itself. Even using popular social media apps, such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter, event planners are able to simply open their phone and see notifications.
Applications that are designed specifically for event planning, however, are able to do so much more. Similar to how an autoresponder service provides broadcasting capabilities, these mobile apps can push notifications to literally thousands of people in seconds. Everyone who has the application on their phone and working with the event planner can receive notifications up until the event occurs.
Features To Look For On Event Planning Apps
There are several features that should be on any event planning application. An effective app will allow you to set up events within minutes, provide easy scheduling capabilities and also, have the option of customizing broadcast messages. You may also use a few different apps for different areas of your event. For example, you can use one app for scheduling and coordinating the staff duties and another app for checking in your guests.
Event planning applications can be downloaded to smart phones within just a few minutes and there are many that are available. If you are an event planner, you should seriously consider using mobile apps to coordinate your next big event. Just be sure to get the apps that have all of the features that you need in order to streamline the planning process.
Once you start to plan your events with these user-friendly apps, you will quickly realize why so many event planners are switching over to them, reducing stress, saving money and ensuring that each event they plan will be a huge success.
About the Author
Matthew Long is a successful businessman and event specialist. He is co-founder and CEO of Gigcentric.Com, a company that provides professionals with event planning software designed to help run and grow their business.