William Hayes http://www.balanceatwork.com.au 2m 610 #recruitment
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Take the time to observe your pool of employees. Are you satisfied with the skill level of your employees or you think you could have hired more competent and qualified individuals? If you are dissatisfied with the level of professional maturity and proficiency of your employees, you may have to improve your company recruitment process.
Prevention is Better than a Cure – Keep this mind. It is much easier to control the outcome of your recruitment if you implement more systematic and organized processes. It is easier to filter good applicants from mediocre and unqualified ones than to change the work attitude of people when they are already hired. Remember that the strength of your business greatly depends on the skill set and experience of your employees.
In order to beef up your organization’s recruitment process, you would find it beneficial to incorporate these suggestions:
Create More Detailed Job Postings – Make yourself clear when it comes to job postings. Since you do not want to waste time reviewing CVs of applicants who are not qualified or not fit for the position, you would want to be more specific in your job postings. Aside from including the required education, experience and training, you may also want to include a summary of the responsibilities and an overview of day-to-day activity required in the job. This will give applicants more information about the position they will be applying for.
Ask Suggestions from Higher-ups – The suggestions of the company’s CEO or President are necessary when improving your organization’s recruitment process. If your organization’s key people are active in the different aspects of employment, you may want to ask them about suggestions regarding the improvement of the recruitment process. They may want to include some details and to pitch some ideas that can further improve the recruitment system.
Incorporate Recruitment Examination – If your organization is serious about hiring the best of the best, you would want to incorporate psychometric testing in the recruitment process. Job interviews are proven not enough in weeding out good applicants from unqualified ones. By using psychometric testing, your organization will know from the very start whether or not an applicant has what it takes to become an asset to the company. Psychometric assessments are designed to determine whether or not an applicant’s skill sets, experience, behavior, and professional maturity make him suitable for the job.
Be Fair and Consistent – It is important to make sure that each and every candidate goes through the same process in order to assure fairness and consistency. By doing this, you can be sure that you are subjecting all applicants to the same process, which will give your company a better look on the applicants’ qualifications. This will also keep you away from legal disputes since it does not result in a discriminatory recruitment process.
Provide Timely Feedback to Applicants – Make sure to give prompt feedback to applicants. If you find an applicant, after conducting all necessary processes, qualified for the job, there is no reason to delay his or her employment. You would want to give a prompt feedback so the applicant will not look for other job openings. It is also important to give feedback to applicants who do not make the cut so as not to give them false hopes. You may send an email or give the applicants a call regarding the status of their application, giving them a heads-up.
Improving your company’s recruitment process should not be complicated. By tweaking and developing existing policies and guidelines, you can be sure to improve the recruitment process, which will eventually lead to a better pool of employees.