Drew Page https://clevertap.com 1m 218
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How Marketing Compares
The goal of marketing has not changed. Corporations still employ tactics to raise awareness about their products and services with the goal of increasing sales. Although many of the same strategies of appeal and persuasion continue to perform well, the traditional marketing channels have been undergoing a transition. With the rise of the internet came search engines, social media, and widespread creation of content, opening new avenues for marketers to reach potential customers. How has this shift to digital distribution of marketing messages changed the playing field?
Considering the goal of marketing and human psychology remains the same, we can certainly learn from the traditional marketing tactics of the past. Learning from experts who have combined theory and experience to truly master their craft. Robert Cialdini, author of Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion covered psychology in marketing extensively, including the law of reciprocity and social proof in marketing. For example, the law of reciprocity is the tendency for people who receive something free to feel the obligation to return the favor by reciprocating the exchange with a purchase. This law is why free samples are still very effective.
The visual below from CleverTap features the advice of traditional marketing experts to be applied within your digital marketing strategy.
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