Luke Doyle 1m 219 #meetingagenda
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Visual Guide To A Meeting Agenda
Not many workers would put meetings at the top of their favorite things about their jobs. We’ve all sat in meetings that go on twice as they should because whoever organized them didn’t make it clear what needed to be covered, and there’s not much more frustrating than seeing people go off on a tangent and wasting everybody else’s time. Indeed, in a survey, 71% of senior managers said meetings were unproductive and inefficient. But what can be done?
Luckily, The Business Backer has come up with a visual guide to organizing meetings with an agenda that actually works. It starts with making the desired outcomes clear and making it equally clear how long each item on the agenda will be given, to ensure that things don’t over-run, leaving no time to actually come to any conclusions. Identifying leaders for each section also gives them the responsibility for keeping things on track.
At the end, having run a much more efficient meeting than usual, you should spend some time reviewing how it went, so any improvements can be made next next. Try out these tips and see how much time your business starts to save with more productive meetings than ever before.
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