Matthew Gates 8m 1,941 #blogging
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
How To Keep Your Blog Going
The idea of starting a blog is what gets us to start writing for ourselves and an audience. For some it becomes a hobby and for others, it becomes a full-time paying job. We might spend time thinking about what we want to write about, knowing we have a lot to say, wanting to just get out some ideas, rants, thoughts, and just talk to people. Even if we’re not talking to anyone, maybe we can pretend we’re talking to people and people are actually interested in what we have to say. Believing that might help us to keep some of our sanity as we go throughout our day.
Whether we are doing home improvement repairs and want to help others or we are complete nerd techies and want to show off our new gizmos and gadgets. There are even some of some people who are running blogs showing off their new sex toys, reviewing those sex toys, and even running blogs not holding back any sex advice for many couples who are struggling in their relationships. No matter what topic you are after, there is a blog out there for you.
There are blogs on aliens, blogs on cars, blogs on pets, blogs on home care, blogs on DIY, blogs on health and beauty, blogs on making your own food from natural organic chemicals and powders, blogs on fixing stuff, blogs on becoming your on private investigator, blogs on starting and running your own business, blogs on investing and making money, blogs on becoming rich, blogs on celebrities, blogs on living off the grid, blogs on traveling and finding adventures in life, blogs on makeup and beauty, blogs on comedy and television shows, blogs on gaming and the art of gaming, blogs on sports and cooking and fishing and writing and talking and photography and blogs on doing just about everything you could possibly want to do or know more about.
If you are old enough to remember when the word “blog” was just starting out and you were not sure if it was a real word or not, or even how to use it, it has become a word that has become ingrained into our vocabularies around the world in every language. Blogging is our way of connecting with each other, of writing about our experiences, of understanding and trying to understand how to get through our rough times with each other, or just about helping others get through their tough times.
For the most part, blogging is here to stay and countries that are still trying to heavily censor blogging are struggling to do so. Blogging is the human voice and reason within all of us. Blogging is the voice of reason on the Internet. Blogging has become so powerful that is has ultimately become a more trusted source than the media.
There are millions of blogs in existence today with millions upon millions being created every year and hundreds of thousands of blogs being created everyday. Whether these blogs are owned by the same people or new people, these blogs are outlets and voices that need to be heard. Blogging is the tool to reach the world through the Internet. With free tools such as Blogger, WordPress, MyPost, and Medium, every person on the planet has the opportunity to write for free and express their voice.
As human beings, does not everyone deserve that right? Of course, within reason, hate speech and the spitefulness of violence should certainly be monitored, as no human deserves to be treated with disrespect. As humans find their voices within their blogs, they either grow and keep at it for years, either expanding their voice within their blog or growing to new blogs, or sometimes losing interest completely, and giving up the original idea of their blog, letting it go, and having it sit there for years, just waiting to be discovered by those who might need it, or perhaps, waiting to be revived by the original owner once they developed a renewed interest again.
There are plenty of reasons people might lose interest in blogging, from getting busy with everyday life, to just having started a blog based on an idea or having felt a certain way, to no longer feeling that way any longer. For example, someone who began a blog to overcome their depression and overcame their depression might continue their blog into for a time into their happiness and discover they no longer need it after a while, and eventually abandon the blog.
Others might have started it, wanting to have attracted followers, but were unable to obtain a real following, and then lost interest. They may have wanted to make money from their blog and were unable to do so. Regardless of their aspirations, they had some idea of what blogging should have been, and it turned out that blogging wasn’t what they thought it should be.
Blogging is different for everyone, but breaking it down to its simple nature: blogging is the simple act of writing literature on the Internet. A blog is where blogging takes place. Blogging can generate zero dollars in revenue or it can afford people to make a living off of it, depending on how much people are willing to invest into it and what they are willing to do. People may charge for sponsored posts or even to post on their blogs and make money that way. T
hey may charge to share a link on their articles or they may share banner advertisement links which generate revenue. They may review products for companies or write reviews about companies. There are literally hundreds of ways to make money, but some bloggers are better at finding ways to make money. Some bloggers can make money within days of starting a blog, while some bloggers have been at it for years and still have yet to figure out how to generate an income that is enough to quit their day jobs.
There is no real secret to blogging except for the fact that it really lies in how passionate you are about blogging and the amount of ideas within your head for new ideas about new posts you can write about. Successful bloggers are like readers: they never stop having things to write about, just like readers run out of things to stop reading; and even when they have writer’s block, they carry around a pen and a notepad or they have at least their cellphones on them to jot down some notes and they are constantly taking notes, observing things around them, and simply writing about things they could or eventually will write about.
It could be as simple as Do You Greet The Person On The Other Line When You Make A Phone Call or Do You Just Get Straight To Business? (In Other Words: Do You Humanize The Person You Are Calling?) or Do You Ask How Someone’s Day Is Going Before Making A Purchase? After all, how many people really stop and make small talk to the cashier at Starbucks and ask, “I know you work here, and I see you have that tip jar, but has anyone ever offered to buy you a cup of coffee? If not, what can I get for you?” From our everyday experiences that we can write about to our much larger adventures, writing about anything and everything is endless, and those little experiences make a blog post. That is the secret to keep blogging.
When I first began Confessions of the Professions, I never thought about how I would keep this blog going. I just kept writing and writing about anything and everything that crossed my mind, especially with things I experienced at work. Before I knew it, I had an excess amount of posts and then all of a sudden, I had people emailing me asking if they could contribute articles. I never once scrambled for a post to publish nor did I ever run out of material. On a website dedicated to understanding jobs, careers, and the workplace, how could I possibly ever stop talking about it?
I have been working in some job at someplace for well over a decade, probably closer to two decades, and I have a long way to go before retirement, probably like most of you, so during this time, we all have probably acquired too many stories about our jobs and workplaces to talk about. If you hate your job, you have something to talk about. If you love your job, you have something to talk about.
Gossip in the office? You have something to talk about. Is your boss an asshole? You got something talk about. Do you have a nice boss? Please talk about it! Most of us don’t even know what that is like! There is nothing you cannot talk about when it comes to your job. You are there literally over 40 hours a week. How much time do you spend with your family? How much time do you spend with your co-workers? Who are you spending more time with? Yup, they are just as much your family too.
Confessions of the Professions continues each year, every day, five days a week, Monday through Friday, 365 days a year, and continues to publish articles, not just because we have an amazing audience of readers and companies, and new visitors who are always willing to volunteer and contribute their own articles to this website, but because I, the author of this article and overseer of this website, continue to observe my everyday life; continue to work my day job and my freelance jobs; and continue to struggle to pay my bills, my mortgage, my debts; continue to struggle to fix the things breaking in my house; continue to struggle with the stresses of my everyday life; continue to do what I do because I enjoy observing and I also enjoy writing about my life and sharing it with the world. I have no idea if the world is ever going to read it, but the hope is that someone out there will find it useful and helpful in their own life, and that is why I continue to blog and the reason why I, along with the contributors of Confessions of the Professions, who seem to share the same vision of this blog, keep this website going.
Anyone can start a blog. The real passion and power comes in keeping it going by finding things to write about, but especially by being creative in what you wish to talk about and sharing it with your audience. Being clever and keeping your audience interested in what you have to say lies in the many secrets to understanding your own evolution of blogging. You could actually write about the same topic ten times on your blog ten times, but if you wrote about it in ten different perspectives, you have certainly mastered the art of blogging, and that is definitely a great way to keep your blog going.
Your audience is looking for you and they want to read your blog posts, so be interesting, be creative, and be different. Your personality is what makes you a unique blogger. Just because the same topic has been written about thousands of times before does not mean that you cannot write about it again. Bringing your perspective and adding your twist to the topic is what will make people read it. Once you have learned to do this, blogging is no chore, and it simply remains a wondrous art of literature.