Camille Lopez 1m 309
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
Checklist For Lead Generation
Topping the list of technological advancements that industries and workforces are anticipating will be integrated in the workflow in the coming years are the AIRA technologies – or more commonly known as Artificial Intelligence, Robots, and Automation technologies. Predictions for the future of businesses and industries concerning its technological aspect state that AIRA technologies will soon be taking over some of the jobs that humans are currently performing.
Understandably, this is concerning for many in the workforce, as it appears that they are at a risk of losing their jobs and be replaced by machines that were designed to triumph over them in terms of quality and quantity of work done.
However, this prediction greatly overestimates the capabilities of AIRA technologies and underestimates the human’s capability to survive and adapt. Being replaced by technology is nothing new. Before we were all capable of printing pages upon pages of documents quickly through the printing press or personal printers, people had to handwrite documents and copy them by hand, which is why reproduction of texts were reserved to only the most important ones in those eras. Instant messaging has replaced traditional handwritten letters and messages that took weeks to deliver.
In spite of these, the workforce remains strong as ever. And the rise of AIRA technologies will be the same scenario – technology taking on some of the brunt of the work while we all move higher, doing more complex matters. Until then, however, AIRA technologies are still in their infant stages, which means that standards are still met, and fundamental aspects are still followed when they are integrated into processes, such as in the case of using them for inbound lead generation – a growing trend among marketers nowadays.
Jumpstart your inbound lead generation with this infographic by Digital Marketing Philippines.
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