Myra Cooper 2m 413 #energy
The views of this article are the perspective of the author and may not be reflective of Confessions of the Professions.
The Production And Usage Of Energy Is Evolving
The way UK produces and uses energy has evolved drastically over the course of time, and it’s no secret. There has been a constant debate over these drastic changes, in the nation’s press, but sometimes the bare facts of how the country produces and uses energy, gets lost in these discussions.
Our infographic “The Changing Face of UK ENERGY” showcases the current energy situation in the UK. For starters, Coal, once provide the vast majority of the United Kingdom’s power, yet in 2015, coal was overtaken by renewable energy, which, for the first time contributed one quarter of UK’s electricity.
The important message to take from the infographic could well be the rise of renewable energy in the UK Energy market, since the push by governments for green energy has led to mighty increase in the number of renewable energy sources being put to use.
Another important issue is how this energy is being used, we have looked at which sectors use the most energy. Transport sector is the with maximum use of energy at 38%, followed by domestic usage at 28%.
This infographic also covers where the money you annually for the energy usage is actually going. We have also compared energy usage in the UK with the US. For more details, take a look at our infographic.
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The way the UK produces and uses energy is evolving.
Final energy consumption by fuel 1990 – 2014
Overall energy consumption has been dropping since 2005, while renewable energy usage continues to increase
How the UK has been adding capacity to its electricity generation
How much of its energy does the UK actually produce?
Net Imports 45%
UK Production 55%
Energy use by sector
Transport 38%
Domestic 27%
Industry 17%
Services 13%
Other 5%
2015 saw wind, solar, and bioenergy supply a record 25% of the UK’s electricity.
Renewable energy produced by country
England <40,000 GWh
Wales <5,000 GWh
Scotland <18,000 GWh
N. Ireland <3,000 GWh
Energy bills: where your money really goes
How we use energy in the home
A comparison between US and UK residential power usage (%)
Entertainment US 29% UK 25%
Heating US 9% UK 19%
Water Heating US 9% UK 4%
Refrigeration US 8% UK 13%
Cooling US 22% UK N/A
Lighting US 14% UK 15%
Cooking US 2% UK 12%
Washing US 5% UK 12%
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